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No, it can’t be.

She turns around and I feel the world around me tilt and shatter like glass.

It is.

Rachel’s eyes land on me and widen for a split second before she tilts her chin up and stalks pass me, nearly tripping over her own feet. Against normal protocol I reach for her just when she nearly smashes head face first into a pile of leaves and twigs. I gently help her up, but she pushes me away.

“I’m fine,” she slurs.

I stop myself from rolling my eyes.Bitch, you are the opposite of fine.Lucas stops next to me and we both watch as she weaves back and forth. It’s like watching a deer learning how to walk. “I guess those beers finally kicked in,” he says, shaking his head. “We should probably catch up with her before she wreaks havoc on some poor passerby.”

I watch him go. Not knowing what to do with myself or this terrible feeling overcoming me.Why was she kissing him?I don’t even want to think of the implications of my anger. I’m not the jealous type, especially with a girl any of my bros hook up with. Any girl who comes into contact with my bros will eventually get passed on to me.

But this was psycho bitch we’re talking about.

I force myself to follow them, telling myself it doesn’t matter if they were kissing. She can kiss whomever she wants. Even if it’s not me. Not like I want her to kiss me or do anything else with me for that matter. Hell, she’s not even that attractive. I look around, finding a group of girls passing around jello shots. They look like they’re from some sorority dressed up in some sort of cowgirl get-up with blue and white tie-dyed shirts. Another group of girls on my other side are older, possibly seniors, and doing body shots. I smile. There are plenty of girls for me to hook up with here. I don’t need piss poor rating Rachel.

I stop dead in my tracks when I come to the tent, seeing Rachel smiling down at four- eyes. Idon’t know why that bastard had to show. It wasn’t like we invited him. Just Rachel and her hot friends.I can’t take my eyes off Rachel, no matter how hard I try not to care about the sway in her step or the slur in her voice. Her cheeks are so pink I’m wondering if she’ll pass out at some point. “Fucking idiot,” I mutter when I see she’s holding another drink.

“Don’t worry, it’s water,” says one of Rachel’s friends. The blonde one. Christine was it? She pats me on the shoulder and nods at Rachel when I give her a confused look. “She’s drinking water. Poor girl came back and told me the world won’t stop swirling.”

I scowl when I see the worming asshole stand and motion to his feet as if he is a freaking butler. Rachel smiles and drops into it, tossing her head back and leaning in. I wonder if she will actually pass out.

I scowl when four-eyes doesn’t leave and continues saying whatever it is he has to say.Fucking bastard giving her a seat and not leaving her alone.

“Whatever,” I say to the blonde bitch before turning around and smacking on my most charming smile at Lucas.

I saunter over him and waggle my eyebrows, stopping whatever boiling I feel under my skin as I remember his lips locked on Rachel’s. “So,” I start, grabbing a cup and quickly chugging it.Need to drown whatever this is.“I saw you sucking face with psycho bitch,” I say, trying to sound funny, but I grimace at the high pitch in my voice.

Lucas chuckles and looks away. “Yeah, it just sort of happened.”

I fist bump him before quickly pouring myself another beer from the keg. He raises his eyebrow. “Easy there. We still have all day.”

I bat my hand at him. “I’m totally fine.”

Lucas rolls his eyes. “Uh huh. That’s what you said last time.”

“So, Rachel,” I say, taking a smaller swig of the beer. “Is she a good kisser? Gonna fuck her tonight?”

Lucas shrugs. “I can’t really say anything. I barely tasted her. Besides, look at her,” I follow the motion of his hand and scowl once again when I see her talking to four eyes. “She’s totally wasted. I can’t fuck her if she’s not going to remember anything. She probably won’t even remember the kiss.”

I’m so angry and I don’t even know why. She’s over there, talking to that wormy little bastard after kissing Lucas. Why is she being such a slut? Now that she’s kissed one of the bros she thinks she’s a guy magnet. Is that what she thinks?

I should calm down. I shouldn’t even care. Yet, I find myself being drawn to her, walking step after stupid step towards her until I’m standing next to four eyes, cup in hand, staring awkwardly down at her.

She stares up at me, her mouth slightly parted. I imagine them on me, her tongue flicking against mine. Her soft moans when I deepen the kiss. My hands on her ass drawing her closer and pressing her against my hard cock. Those sweet lips on my dick.

What the fuck am I thinking? I’m obviously trashed.

My face heats as I realize I’ve been staring at her mouth for longer than appropriate and both four-eyes and psycho bitch are staring at me as if I’ve suddenly sprouted polka dots all over my body. I take a moment to set down my cup, anywhere far away from me. I’ve obviously had way too much if I want psycho roommate. After collecting myself I turn around and in my most asshole voice I say, “Get lost, Four-Eyes.”

I hear Rachel gasp as I stare down the wormy bastard, whose gaze narrows on me. He opens his mouth to say something and I swear I will punch him in his fucking ugly face if he so much utters a word. Instead, he turns to Rachel. “I’ll be with Charlie and Lauren if you need anything.”

“I’m so sorry, Josh,” I hear Rachel say, but I continue watching four-eyes slither away, back to blondie and her brunette friend.

“Why are you such an asshole?” Rachel asks while throwing herself back in the chair and spilling a little water on her sweater,

I take the cup from her so she doesn’t make herself even wetterin the chill air.Don’t need her getting sick. And then getting me sick, I quickly add.

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