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“Oh, really?” I wonder briefly how his lips would taste. They’re only an inch or two away. It wouldn’t be so hard to just lean in. “Lucas, what did you think?”

Lucas shrugs. “Both of you suck.”

“What?” Shouts Seth, whipping his head over to stare up at his friend.

I smile smugly. “See. We both suck. But I’ve never played so at least I have an excuse.” I glance back at Charlie and Lauren, who are smiling and sharing a knowing look. I frown.What’s going on? What do they know that I don’t?

“Everyone knows out of the group, I’m the best at beer pong,” I hear Lucas say from behind.

“What?” Seth shouts. “Prove it. Me against you.”

I glance over my shoulder and see Lucas smirking. “Loser finishes the bathroom.”

Seth scoffs. “Loser finishes the bathroom and cooks the other breakfast for a month.”

“Two months.”

I shake my head,Ugh. These boys. Although, I’m glad to know they weren’t just placing these ridiculous games to torture me.

“Rachel will be my partner,” says Lucas, wrapping his arm around my shoulders and dragging me roughly towards him.

As a response I choke back a burp. The thought of chugging more beer really making me feel quite heavy in the belly area. “I think I need a bit of a break,” I say, trying to make my getaway, but Lucas is strong and doesn’t let me go.

“No, it wouldn’t be fair if you don’t play, Rachel,” says Seth, smirking at me.

Why does this asshole need to rope me into this?I scowl back at Seth. “It’s not fair to have me play if I’ve already been drinking.”

Seth raises a finger. “Fairer than if he plays with one of your friends.” He points back and forth between Charlie and Lauren.

I groan. “Why me?” I glance over my shoulder and ask Charlie, already feeling Lucas tug me away.

“Are you okay?” Asks Charlie, pulling Lucas’s hand away from mine.

“Yeah, we’re here if you want to stay,” says Lauren. “You don’t have to do.”

“Oh, come on!” Shouts Seth, throwing his hands up in the air. He’s about to say something else, but Charlie and Lauren’s scowls instantly shut him up.

I really need to learn that trick.

I look back at the boys. Well, a part of me really wants to go play another game with them. Maybe one more… just to see Seth’s face when Lucas wins. It’ll be wonderful watching Seth be forced to clean the bathroom. And make breakfast for two months.

“I’m fine,” I say while taking a step towards Lucas and Seth. “I’ll play one more game and be right back.”

“We’ll be here!” Shouts Lauren, waving goodbye as once again, Lucas grabs my hand and drags me away.

We come upon the table, now with two different teams operating it. I groan, feeling the weight of the beer in my stomach and look around frantically.

“Is there a bathroom nearby?”

Lucas stares down at me darkly. “You can’t be serious,” he says, rolling his eyes. “We just got here. You could’ve gone at any point.”

“No, I really need to pee.” I shift back and forth quickly. “Like right now.”

Lucas shakes his head. “Hold it.”

I grab his collar and pull him down, meeting his wide eye dark gaze. “It wouldn’t be fair to you if I fuck up the whole game, because I gotta pee. Now tell me where the toilet is, or I’m leaving.”

Lucas sighs and runs a hand through his hair. “Fine.” He pats Seth’s shoulder. “The bitch needs the toilet.”

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