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Rachel looks up at the ceiling while the girls burst into laughter. “Duly noted,” says the brunette, still laughing while she grabs a cushion and sits down on the floor.

I scowl when I see four-eyes sitting next to Rachel, his leg accidentally bumping into hers. She chuckles nervously, but the bastard makes no effort in moving his leg. I lean against the counter, scowling down at them while I watch him lean in close over her shoulder. Seth and Lucas sidle up next to me.

“Who is that punk?” asks Lucas, nodding to whom I can only assume is four-eyes.

“I can’t remember his name,” says Seth, shaking his head.

“I hate him,” I mutter.

“He’s a grimy little weasel, now ain’t he?” Says Seth.

“You know, we might be able to get some more ideas by looking at some art,” I hear four-eyes say while blondie goes to the bathroom and the brunette goes to grab something from Rachel’s room.

Of course. Now that she’s alone he’s going to sink his claws into her.

“Oh?” Rachel’s innocence is really grating on my nerves. At times she can be a bossy, demanding little bitch and other times she reminds me of a lost puppy dog with not a single brain cell going on in that pretty little head of hers.

Mr. Four Eyes is definitely a creep, yet the way she looks at him it’s like she doesn’t even see it.

“Yeah, we could check out the art museum this Saturday. Get a few ideas. Maybe go for coffee afterwards.”

Hells to the fuck no. She’s not going to any of that shit. Just when she opens her mouth, I blurt out, “Rachel’s going to the football game on Saturday.”

Four-eyes pops up his head, meeting my stare and I feel Seth and Lucas’s gazes on me, but I refuse to break eye contact with the asshole.

“What?” asks Rachel, her voice completely confused. “No, I’m not.”

Think Hunter. Think. Although, thinking has never been my strong suit.

“Well, we need you there,” Lucas adds, his voice quivering and he looks over to me trying to find something else to say to steer her away from four eyes.

“For the tailgate,” says Seth. “We need you there for the tailgate. All of us roommates go at the start of the year. To support Hunter here,” Seth smacks my shoulder and I grit my teeth to keep from crying out. A groan escapes and I scowl at Seth who immediately moves his hand. One of these days I am going to have a serious talk with him about not smacking injured shoulders.

“Yeah, it’s for good luck,” says Lucas. “You wouldn’t want Hunter to lose the first game of the year.”

Rachel scoffs. “That sounds completely-“

“Oooh, a tailgate, that sounds like fun,” says blondie, entering the living room like an angel sent down from the heavens. “I want to go.”

“Yeah,” says the brunette. “We’re studying tonight. Let’s enjoy the weekend.”

Rachel looks between her friends. “You’d actually go?”

Blondie nods. “Yeah, I don’t see why not.”

“We can go together,” adds the brunette. “Make sure these boys treat you right.” She winks at me.

Rachel sighs and shakes her head. “Fine.” I hold back my smirk when I see Josh’s shoulders slump.Take that asshole.“But we need to actually make progress tonight.” Rachel scowls up at us. “Don’t you boys have rooms to clean?”

I raise my hands up. “We’re leaving.”

I nod to Lucas and Seth, who nod their approval.One point bros. 0 points weasel guy.I walk back to my room, closing the door behind me. I take one look and groan. Fuck. I really hate cleaning. Where do I even begin with this fucking mess?Just fuck it and jack off,I think while throwing myself down on the bed, kicking off my shoes while unbuckling my jeans. My thoughts drift to Rachel and her dark scowls and her cute little freckles.



I look around at the crowds of students, alumni, and parents chugging back beers and grilling hot dogs under tents. For a tailgate, there are hardly any cars. Just a line of tents with crowds of people weaving in and out. I stand under one, set up by Seth’s track and fieldfreshmen, holding a cup of beer I’ve barely touched. Looking around, I wonder when I can sneak away. Going to the art museum with Josh would’ve been way better than this.We could’ve looked at art and discussed it over coffee. It would’ve been like a dream come true. Now, I’m just standing around awkwardly and wondering what to do with myself.

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