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“No.” She points her finger at him. “You make me breakfast.”

I laugh at that. Seth make breakfast? I don’t think I’ve even seen him handle the microwave. He does know how to use the phone though and call pizza delivery. At least I know how to unwrap protein powder and swish it around with some milk or water.

I look over and see Lucas grimacing. “I don’t think you want that,” he says, crossing his arms. “From any of us.”

Psycho roommate sighs and her shoulder’s slump. She sniffs and looks about to cry. I roll my eyes. For a moment there, she actually looked like she was going to give Seth hell, now she’s become this sniveling little girl. That is, until she scowls up at Lucas. “I cleaned this whole place and I didn’t even mess it up. The least you could do is let me sleep.”

“A race!” Seth shouts while raising his fist in the air.The bastard has way too much energy for it being 4am.“We can have a race. Loser makes breakfast.”

“No!” Psycho roommate wails, pressing her face into her hands and walking back to her room. “No more.” She slams the door shut.

For a moment we all look at each other. Seth’s lips twitch into an evil grin which makes me giggle.God, I really must be drunk.Lucas shakes his head, but he’s smiling and before I know it, my feet are following Seth to her door. All our fists bang on her door over and over again.

“Breakfast Race!” I shout.

“Race!” Lucas and Seth shout together.

“Come on!” Shouts Seth. “Just one little race.”

“We’re not going to stop,” I call in a sing song voice, earning a cackle from Seth.

“Not until you face us like a man.” Lucas bangs on the door with both fists.

The door opens and my fist nearly connects with her nose. Thankfully, I stop myself and barely have time to get out of her way as she blazes past us.

“Fine,” she says, shoving on her shoes and I have to admit, it’s quite hot seeing her so riled up, with her hair in a messy bun, now wearing tight yoga pants and a baggy white shirt. I watch her bend over to put on her Chuck Taylor’s. She has a very nice ass. However, her choice in running shoes are not the greatest. At least they’ll stay on her feet. I glance over and see Lucas and Seth also ogling her ass and grimace.So they like what they see, too?

“Well, what are you waiting for you stupid oafs?” She rises and scowls up at us while placing her hands on her hips. Her scowl is more of a squint and I shake my head, trying to stop whatever thoughts coming to mind.

She is definitely cute.

I’m obviously trashed.

Nothing about this girl is hot and sexy, like Millie.

Ah… Millie…. I allow myself a moment to think of big breasted Millie pulling her leg over her head. However, the thought is unfortunately interrupted by Rachel in her cute button-down pajamas.

What the hell is wrong with me?

“Alright!” Seth shouts, leading the way outside the apartment and down the stairs.

Unfortunately, my head is pounding. Thankfully, my vision is no long blurred. But, my stomach is definitely lurching at the thought of movement. Fast movement. I’m probably going to throw up in the middle of this race.

“Seth, not too far,” I say, but it comes out as more of a moan.

Seth rolls his eyes. “Big baby,” I hear him mutter.

He’s lucky I’m too hung-over to pummel him for that.

We stop at the sidewalk and I wait for the asshole to give instructions. Seth looks both ways and points at a stop sign about a five minute walk away.Oh, thank God.

“To that sign and back,” he says. He towers over Rachel, smirking down at her like some wicked villain from a movie. “Loser has to make breakfast.”

“And winner?” Asks Lucas.

I size him up. He’s a tall man, but he’s a rower, not a runner. Maybe his long legs could help him, but he isn’t as adept to running like me and Seth.Well, me on a good day. We’ll see how this goes.I glance at psycho roommate.Short, can’t even do five pushups. Oh, we’ll totally destroy her.

“Winner gets breakfast Lukie,” says Seth. “That’s it.”

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