Page 5 of Beautiful Villain

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This was getting out of hand. There was a spark of electricity soaring between us that made me as uncomfortable as I’d ever been, and I knew rivers of red streaks were sailing up both cheeks. I was usually very good at bantering, but with him, everything seemed ten times more difficult.

“Just because I brought you food doesn’t give you the right to think I’m going to service you with anything else.”

When he did nothing but lift his head, I continued to launch into him. To hell with the fact that he was one big, scary-looking dude who could break me into pieces with one hand tied behind his back. “I think I’ve had enough bullshit for one night. Furthermore, it’s after two-thirty in the goddamn morning. Most people, you know, normal people, are trying to get some hard-earned sleep. I happen to be one of those people, although I just got home. The noise you make every night for hours on end is unacceptable, your behavior atrocious. You are going to stop boxing or beating someone to death or whatever it is you do at this ungodly time of night. Do you hear me? If you keep it up, there will be consequences.”

I couldn’t believe I’d just thrown out a threat, albeit a small one, to a man I’d cross the street to avoid at night.

I planted my hands on my hips, refusing to back down.

He said nothing, did nothing for a full twenty seconds, which had to be the longest twenty seconds of my life. Then a slight smile curled on his upper lip. Still, he remained completely silent.

But my sixth sense told me to run. Fast.

“Well, then. I’m glad we got that straight. Welcome to the building. I’ll just see myself out.” I took a wide berth around him, almost making it to the door. ‘Almost’ being the operative word.

When he snagged my arm, spinning me around and crushing his chest against mine, every wisp of air was dragged from my body. His masculine scent was ripe with a heavy dose of testosterone and musk, which instantly made me lightheaded. I slammed my palms against him, but it was all in vain. He was an unmovable force.

I’d caught sight of ink covering his back, the figure reminding me of a horrible prehistoric creature with fangs and claws, the beady red eye the signature of a living breathing monster.

“What I called you was my little fireball and I’m afraid you aren’t going anywhere. While the meal was somewhat enjoyable, I prefer something much sweeter.”

“Sweeter?” I managed, my heartbeat pulsing in my mouth.

“Yes, malen’kiy buntar’. Now, it’s time for dessert.”

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