Page 99 of Knot My Pack

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Leaning in, he whispers, “How did it feel to kiss Damon?”

My happiness dims at once.

“Look at me, Iris.”

I force myself to stare up at him. He doesn’t look angry but his expression is serious.

“Has Damon ever forced you into something?” he asks. “Did he ever bully you into accepting him?”

His questions surprise me. I was expecting him to accuse me of seducing his mate but he was trying to find fault with Damon.

“No,” I answer without hesitation. “I’m the one who keeps kicking him and hurling objects at him.” I rub my forehead, realizingIsound like a bully. “Sorry,” I finish awkwardly.

He shakes his head. “You don’t have to apologize. I’m sure he earned those kicks and punches.”

“I’m just glad you’re not mad,” I say, looking at him closely. “Are you sure you’re okay with your mates liking me?”

“As long as it’s you, Iris,” he says. “I’m a crazy, possessive freak when it comes to them being near other omegas. It’s different with you. I can’t even explain it.”

“Would you feel the same if I turned out to be an omega?”

An amused grin flits across his lips. “What an odd question,” he says. “I guess it’d be the same if you’re an omega or an alpha. You don’t have any scent, so I’ve never been bothered by that. You don’t challenge me as another omega would. You’re all cute and sweet and delicious.”

Julian’s face is so close to mine I can feel his warm breath on me. He leans in closer, pressing his lips to mine.

My eyes widen and then, slowly close as pure pleasure floods through me. I press my body against his, eager to feel his heat. The scent of chocolate and vanilla wrap around me, cocooning me in a warm haze.

Pure bliss drenches my senses. I feel like I’m in a dream.

Julian’s lips press against my cheek. “So warm,” he says, his mouth brushing against my heated skin.

“Pinch me,” I say with an unrestrained chuckle. “This feels like such a Cinderella moment for me that I’m not sure it’s real.”

He laughs and kisses me again.

I look into those blazing lavender-hued eyes and feel my heart starting to pound harder. Tiny electric currents run across my skin and my pussy throbs. I’m so aroused, it’s not even funny.

“I can’t wait to go home already,” he murmurs while his hands grip my hips.

A moan escapes me. I lean in to kiss him again when a stranger’s voice interrupts me.

“May I have this dance?” says a deep, scratchy voice.

We break apart to glance at the newcomer.

A stranger in a dark tux towers over both of us. He’s extremely tall and well-built with flecks of white in his dark hair. It’s hard to guess his age but he’s got to be well over forty. One look at his imposing gait and I know he’s an alpha.

Waves of his dominance crash over us. It’s so strong that my spine wants to bend on its own accord to please him.

My fingers tighten into fists, my nails digging into my palm. It’s taking everything in my power to stand up to him.

“May I?” the man asks in a deceptively soft voice.

“No,” I force through my constricted throat.

Surprise flits over the man’s tanned face. A smile stretches across his pale thin lips. “You’re as strong as her.” His eyes darken with malicious intent.

“Excuse me?”
