Page 21 of Knot My Pack

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“Clearly,” says Raiden, his piercing blue eyes staring at me with such intensity I feel naked.

“You’re lucky that men of this pack don’t hurt women,” Damon says, twirling a butterfly knife between his fingers. His amber eyes stab me with a meaningful stare. “If you were a man, I’d be peeling the skin off your flesh.” He spoke in a deceptively soft voice but I didn’t miss the underlying threat in it.

“What about the other part of the deal?” I ask. “Why did you want Delilah?”

“Wedidn’t want her,” Raiden says with a scoff. “Your parents offered her to us.”

“What?” I say incredulously. “There’s no way my parents would do that. They love Delilah. Heck! They love her more than me.”

A dark chuckle escapes Raiden. “That’s been made very clear to us. Why else would they leave you behind?”

His words cut deep into my heart. I blink hard to keep my tears from leaking.

He wasn’t wrong. Mom and Dad took Delilah with them. Why didn’t they take me too? Why hide something as big as this from me?

“Your parents approached us when we were at Winslow Academy for Omegas,” says Damon, his fiery eyes glaring at me. “As you can see, we’re already mated to an omega. We don’t need another. Our pack’s missing just one thing though. Children. That’s the reason we were looking for awillingomega to act as a surrogate. We don’t want to take her as a mate but we’d need her to bear our children. We were willing to pay her as well. We went to talk to the dean to explain our situation.”

“That’s when your parents approached us,” says Raiden. “They said their daughter would act as our surrogate after she graduates from the academy. They spoke of her highly. The principal assured us of her credentials. We simply wanted a willing, mature woman to be our surrogate, so we agreed.”

“Still think of us as the bad guys?” Julian asks with a slight smile that sends my heartbeat racing. He’s like a ray of sunshine among the cold alpha vibes crashing against me.

I don’t know what to say. This is all too much to take in at once.

“You’ll work for us,” says Caleb with finality in his voice.

“What?” My head whips toward him at once.

“You’ll work for me and pay back what your parents owe me,” he announces.

“What kind of work?” I ask in alarm.

I want to curl up inside a shell to avoid the glare Caleb is throwing my way. He absolutely loathes me.

“You’ll clean around this property,” he says in a grim tone.

“It’ll probably take you a few lifetimes to pay us back,” says Damon with a gut-wrenching grin.

“I—I—” There are no words to explain how much I disagree. Caleb’s dominating aura is making it hard for me to refuse him.

“Read the clause!” Caleb barks, throwing a stack of papers at me.

I step back as they hit me in the chest. My body shakes as I bend down to pick them up.

“It says that if your parents can’t pay me back, their next-of-kin will be responsible for the payment,” Caleb says in a hard, grim tone that sends an icy chill through me. “The next-of-kin shall be responsible for meeting all the requirements of the deal.”

What were my parents thinking?

Is this the reason they abandoned me and took Delilah with them instead? They threw me to the wolves to save their own skin.

They love Delilah more than me.

I was always aware of the fact but it never hurt me as much as it does now. I can feel my heart shattering to pieces. Tears run down my cheeks and drop onto the documents before me.

“Take her to the trainee dorms,” Caleb commands. “She’ll work as a janitor there. Put an ankle monitor on her as well. I’ll let the surveillance unit know she’s not to leave the grounds of our estate.”

I’m in too much shock to process what’s happening to me.

Damon’s fingers wrap around my arm. His grip is firm but not painful. He simply holds me and pulls me along in his wake.

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