Page 18 of Knot My Pack

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I give a nod. “I’ll be good.”

I wish he’d release my hands too. They were itching to land a fist on that beautiful face and erase that infuriating grin.

He loosens the cord around my ankles and helps me out of the van. Men spill out from the three cars parked behind the alpha’s vehicle.

I look around my surroundings and suddenly feel my mouth part in surprise. After meeting these men, I expected them to bring me to some shady den or clubhouse.

Even in my wildest imagination, I didn’t expect them to bring me to an estate belonging to the Solveig Pack.

Their crest, a large S surrounded by a wreath of leaves and topped with a crown, is marbled into the center of the stone archway towering over me.

There was no way I could mistake the symbol belonging to the oldest military family that has been serving the country for centuries. I’d seen the motif appear in military crests and uniforms of the most celebrated martyrs of the nation.

I glance toward the alpha with hair as red as flames. Was he part of the elite pack?

“What am I doing here?” I whisper, staring at the luxurious mansion rising before me. The entire structure looked like a glittering jewel against the night sky.

“You’re meeting Caleb,” he says, grabbing my upper arm and dragging me alongside him.

Caleb?My mind screams.Caleb Solveig?

“I don’t understand,” I say slowly. “Are you really talking about Caleb Solveig?”

He stares down at me with a strange look. “You look like this is news to you.”

“It is. Why would someone as influential as Caleb Solveig want to capture me? What could he want with my parents or my sister? This is all a misunderstanding. You’ve got the wrong person.”

A calculating look descends into those fiery amber eyes. “You’ll know everything when you meet Caleb.”

Coming closer, he grabs my upper arm and drags me toward the mansion.

He’s not being rough, so I walk alongside him as he leads me through the vast doors of the mansion.

I blink against the bright lights illuminating the luxurious interiors.

Even though I’m anxious, I don’t miss the marble statues lined along the wide passageway. Polished weapons are mounted on the tall walls. Portraits of men in military garb hang everywhere.

My nervousness grows. What the hell is happening?

The passageway opens into a vast hall. My gaze darts all over the place, taking in the massive chandelier overhead, the thick, plush red carpet underneath my feet, and the gold-lined furniture dotting the place.

My captor comes to a halt.

Looking up at him, I see him staring toward a far corner. My gaze follows the same direction.

Three tall men stare down at me from the top of a staircase. I blink, scooting against my captor involuntarily.

One of them leads the others as he descends the staircase, his piercing eyes fixed on me. I can feel his dominance even through the distance. My feet seem rooted to the carpeted floor as he draws closer.

Caleb Solveig, my mind whispers as the alpha walks closer. I’ve seen his face splashed across the newspapers several times but it’s nothing like facing him for real.

Caleb is built for ripping men apart. He stands several inches taller than me with massive, broad shoulders. He’s dressed in a suave black suit that stretches across his wide, muscular chest.

I look into his steel-colored eyes as he comes to stand before me.

I can barely breathe as he forces his full attention on me. “Who’s this?” he asks.

“Iris Collins,” my captor replies. “She’s the only Collins we could get our hands on.”
