Page 131 of Knot My Pack

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He lets out a sigh. “You drank only half a bowl. I made an entire pot of soup for you.”

“That’s good enough for now,” says Raiden. “She can have some fever meds now.”

“I’d suggest giving her a sleeping pill as well,” says Damon. “She needs to rest to recover from the trauma response.”

“I don’t want to sleep,” I say at once. “I don’t want those nightmares coming back again.”

“You said you were fine when you slept with me and Damon,” says Julian.

I nod.

“Why don’t we all sleep together tonight?” he says, looking at his mates. “We can protect our precious flower in the dream world.”

“Precious flower?” I balk, starting to sit up straight. “I’m no flower! Just because I...oww!” A massive throb in my forehead makes me moan out.

“Settle down, Kitty,” Damon says, making me lean against his chest once again. “We know you’re a panther.”

“A firecracker,” Raiden says, flashing me a grin.

I kick at him playfully.

“Just relax,” Caleb says in a deep voice, his fingers kneading my shoulders. “You need plenty of rest to recuperate. Your body and mind are still in shock. The sooner you come to terms with the attack you faced, the more peaceful you’ll be. Suppressing trauma can cause a lifetime of issues.”

A breath heavy breath exhales out of me.

They’re pampering me like a queen and it feels too good to refuse their generous offer. My omega instincts flare up though, salivating at the idea of sharing a bed with them all.

Cool your jets, I tell myself as my pussy pulses with need.

It was just this morning that I had sex but my body is ready for more.

My pussy is going to kill me, I realize as I become a little too aware of Raiden and Caleb’s touch on my skin.

“Your cheeks have gone so red,” Julian moans in a worried tone. “I think I’ll get the thermometer to keep a check on your temperature.”

“Sure,” I say, pretending it’s all because of the fever and not my greedy pussy.

I want to stay awake longer to enjoy their pampering but all too soon, my eyelids grow heavy. The sleeping pill is starting to affect me.

A sigh escapes me as my eyes close completely.



The sheet rustles against my skin as I stretch my legs out. Bright sunshine pours in through the gaps in the curtain, waking me up to a new morning.

Suppressing a yawn, I climb off the bed and stretch my arms over my head. Most of the soreness is gone from my body. I even feel hungry.

Looking around, I realize that this room is different from Julian’s.

The walls are a creamy beige. Dark mahogany furniture dots the space. My hand caresses the mattress, marveling at the size of the bed I’m sitting on. It’s the most massive bed I’ve ever seen in my life.

I notice several framed portraits that line one of the walls. Moving closer, I realize that Caleb is the main focus in almost all of them. That’s when I notice the fragrance of lush earth and greenery dominating wisps of other scents that linger in the air. This is Caleb’s bedroom.

Caleb, Damon, Raiden, and Julian can easily sleep on the extraordinarily large bed without running out of space. Warmth washes over me when I realize they allowed me a space between them last night.

I don’t remember much after falling asleep, but they must’ve kept their promise of staying with me. I had no nightmares which allowed me to get a full night’s sleep.
