Page 101 of Knot My Pack

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“Answer me, omega.”

“I’m not an omega.”

Callahan’s eyes gleam. “Not an omega? That’s impossible.” He buries his face in the crook of my neck while his hands forcibly hold me steady. “You’re using a de-scenter, aren’t you?” Straightening up, he stares into my eyes.

I have no idea how he knows. Even Julian and the others don’t know my secret.

“I bet you smell like the sweetest rose,” he says with a smug, knowing look.

My eyes widen. How the fuck can he know of my scent?

Other than Dr. Lawson, no one knows my secret.

“You look too much like your mother,” Callahan says. “Too bad you’ve inherited your father’s eyes. Your mother’s eyes were as blue and deep as an ocean’s.” He suddenly sounds affectionate.

“You’re mistaken,” I say. “I don’t resemble my mom at all.”

Surprise flits through his gaze. “You don’t know who you are.”


Deep chuckles escape him. Within seconds, they turn into wild laughter. “She fooled me for nearly two decades but no more!”

The sound of his wild laughter has terror knocking through me.

He notices my discomfort and smiles. “I’ve finally found you, my rose.” His arms fold around me, bringing me into a suffocating hug. “After years of searching, I finally have you.”

“Let go of me,” I grit through clenched teeth as his toxic scent pervades my senses.

Chuckles sound in my ear. “Never again.”

My body is being pressed so hard, that I can’t draw in enough breath. I beat at the man’s shoulder but he doesn’t loosen his hold. Like a python, his arms tighten around me.

My chest aches from being suffocated. My vision is starting to go hazy.

Music plays all around me.

People continue to laugh and dance while I’m being choked to death.

Julian, my mind screams as I’m close to collapsing.

“What’re you doing to her?” A familiar voice shouts from somewhere nearby.

Callahan’s arms suddenly loosen as he steps away from me.

My feet stumble. I’m still disoriented from being choked too hard and can barely get my footing right but strong hands wrap around my waist, steadying me.

The familiar smell of chocolate and vanilla waft into my nostrils, clearing away Callahan’s toxic scent. My eyes close in bliss as my lungs overwork to inhale the sweet, refreshing perfume.

“Can I help you?” Callahan’s voice breaks through my temporary solace.

I open my eyes and straighten up. Julian is holding me against him while Damon faces Callahan.

Damon’s amber eyes blaze with rage. “My mate says you disrespected him,” he says in a biting tone. “What gives you the right to treat him that way?”

“He wasn’t being compliant,” Callahan says in a light tone.
