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“Did you try and find me?” I blurted out.

“We knew Dante had you, but we didn’t know where.”

“And if you’d known where I was?” I prodded. “Would you have come for me?”

“Damn right I would’ve come for you. That’s not even a question you should be asking.”

“No?” My blood boiled with rage. “I almost died. Ishould’vedied. So forgive the fuck out of me for wondering if I was important enough for you to save.”

“Damn right you’re important enough to save,” he said, anger coating his tone.

We glared at one another.

Boxer was the first to break the silence of our standoff. “I’m so fucking sorry, Linden. I’m sorry this shit happened to you.”

“I can’t hear it anymore. I can’t hear another apology. Don’t look at me with pity. Don’t stay with me because you pity me.”

“God, woman. It kills me that you think pity has anything to do with this. If I have to, I’ll spend the rest of my life proving to you that pity’s got nothing to do with it.”

“Regrets are a waste of time, aren’t they?”

“Damn right they are,” he agreed.

I exhaled slowly and then nodded. “Would you kill him for me? If I asked?”

“Without hesitation. Say the word and I’ll be the one to put a bullet in his head.”

“Mia said you’d kill for me because you love me.”

“I would kill for you. And I do love you.”

“I don’t know if that’s enough,” I admitted quietly.

His expression was bleak. “It’s all I’ve got.”

Chapter 32

I yawned,my mouth stretching far enough that the bones of my jaw popped. When I opened my eyes, I tried not to startle when I saw Amanda checking on my IV bag.

“Hey there, sleepy head,” she greeted with a soft smile. “I thought about waking you, so you weren’t jumpy when you saw me, but you looked so peaceful, I didn’t have the heart to do it.”


“But I do feel it’s my duty as your friend to tell you that you sleep with your mouth open.” She grinned.

“I do not.”

“You do. You might want to work on that. It’s not very attractive.”

“Like I’m worried about being attractive right now.” I wrinkled my nose. “What time is it?”

“A little before six. I haven’t seen Boxer for a while.”

“I sent him away. He was in desperate need of a shower. Like desperate, desperate.”

“How are you feeling?”

“My hand is about a seven on the pain scale.”
