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“I’ll be fine. Keep in touch. I’m excited to find out how he looks because we’re already talking about fixing him up with Annie.”

They stood at the back door waiting for Justin to arrive, Katrina holding baby David, reluctant to part. Dave kissed the baby and then Katrina. The sound of a big diesel truck meant his ride had arrived and he waved and left the house. Katrina watched him climb into Justin’s enormous vehicle, waving to her as it backed out of the driveway. She locked up and wandered through the great room, thinking about what she could do with a few hours of free time—no work, no Dave, only the baby and her. Then the phone rang and it was Maggie.

“They just left,” Katrina said. “You must have ESP.”

“How do you feel about Dave being in a car with cousin Bridget?” Maggie asked.

“They’re cousins, so I think they’ll be okay,” Katrina answered. “Plus, unless Dave gives up his seat, which I doubt because his legs are too long, she’ll be sitting alone behind them. I guess you’re not too happy?”

“No. Why didn’t they invite us to go along?”

“Maggie, do you really want to take the baby to New Orleans? She’s not even a month old yet.”

“I guess not. I’m jealous. He’ll be able to smell her. You don’t know this about Justin, but he’s big on smells.”

“Mags, you’re losing it.”

“I know. I need an adventure.”

“In a few more weeks, you can get up on Dale and go for a nice long ride.”

“That would be heavenly. I miss riding so much. The positive of having a baby is that you’re too busy taking care of it to miss your old life too much.”

“Do you miss it?” Katrina asked, looking down at her sweet baby. “Because I don’t miss mine at all.”

“Aw, that so nice, Kat. I think I have a little depression. I hate to admit it. Everything is so perfect and I’m complaining about stupid shit.”

“Honey, it’s your body wreaking havoc. You can’t control it. I have it from time to time, too. We should be together today.”

“As soon as Justin gets home, I’ll ask him if we can visit. If you come here, Dave will get stuck doing another project.”

“He loves it, Mags; don’t ever not invite us. You’re more than welcome to come here, but know we love it there.”

“Here’s something you can fantasize about. Fixing up Annie with Chris Harcourt, our new brother-in-law.”

“It is exciting,” Katrina exclaimed. “I hope he looks nice.”


Chris Harcourt looked wonderful. The first text Katrina got from Dave included a selfie of three handsome guys, obviously related but all different, and adorable Bridget Benoit in front and center.

My brother looks like me,the text said. Katrina examined the photo and saw the resemblance. He wasn’t as brawny as Justin and Dave. The first thing Katrina thought of was that he was leaner like Val Amotte. He had Dave’s head of hair and Justin’s smile.

Without delay, she sent the photo to Maggie with the caption,Send to Annie.

To Dave she wrote,Wow, look at the brothers!

He looks like our mother,Dave replied with a smiling heart emoji that tickled Katrina.

They had met at a familiar restaurant in the French Quarter. The three cousins waited in the lobby for Chris, recognizing him the moment they saw him.

“He looks like you guys!” Bridget exclaimed.

They shook hands, the small talk chatter sustaining the awkwardness as the maître de led them to the secluded table Justin had asked for.

“This is so weird,” Dave said. “We just found out about you and here we are.”

“Thank you for seeing me,” Chris said, taking the offered menu. “We have Bridget to thank for this.”

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