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“Do you want a ride up?”

“You go. I’ll race you.”

Laughing, she ran ahead of him, knowing he wouldn’t risk getting a gravel ding in his fancy Lexus.

They reached the cottage, and he didn’t waste any time getting out of the car and reaching for her to hug.

“You know I’m here for a good reason, right?”

“I figured. But which one is it? House sale or divorce settlement?”

“Russ paid up.”

The name sent chills dancing across her arms and not in a good way. She hoped she wasn’t having a heart attack.

“Wow, that was fast. But why didn’t you just call me?”

“I tried, you wench! And email.”

“Right, I just got all of that working last night and didn’t look at my messages yet. Well, I read one, from the bitch, and she wants me to forgive her.”

“When you see the size of the check, you might consider it.”

“Let’s go inside so I’ll be close to a bathroom,” she said. “This sounds serious.”

“Ha! I feel a little queasy myself,” Randy said. “I stopped by Rose and Aunt Elizabeth’s last night, and they are delirious, they are so thrilled.”

“Whatever happened to client privilege?” she said.

She opened the gate to the porch, but Randy looked out over the water first.


“Yeah. Just wait. We’ll sit out here. I’ll get coffee. Don’t take your eyes off those woods.”

She went inside, let the puppy out of her crate, and went into the kitchen to make coffee. When it had brewed, carrying the tray of coffee along with the box of donuts, she pushed the screen with her elbow so the dog could go out before her.

“Watch where you step. I have a puppy.”

“You do! How cute is this!”

He bent down to pick up the little girl and kissed her while Maggie set the tray on the table.

“Day-old donuts, but they were fresh less than twenty-four hours ago.”

“I’m starving.”

“Can I make you eggs?”

“No, not right now. Let me get this over with first.”

He handed the dog to Maggie, took a sip of coffee and a bite of donut, and pulled a paper out of his briefcase.

“Before we start, just look to your right,” she whispered.

Randy did as she instructed and was blessed with a rare sight, a small group of horses, mostly painted, stood at the clearing, watching them.

“Wow, look at them.”

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