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Conner: In fact, I could sneak over and steal a birthday kiss.

Me: You can’t! If anyone saw you...

I can’t bear thinking about it.

Conner: Yeah, you’re probably right. But it doesn’t mean I won’t be thinking about the next time I’m in your arms.

Me: You giant goofball.

Conner: Only for you, K. Only ever for you!

Fighting a smile, I stuff the cell into my bra and slip back into the bedroom. There’s no sign of Warren, so I grab a load of clean laundry and hurry to the dresser, pretending to put it away while I stash the phone in its usual hiding place.

“Ken?” he yells, and I flinch.


Taking a deep breath, I run a hand

through my hair before going to find him. He and Mitch are talking.

“Hey,” I say. “What’s going on?”

“He isn’t sure he wants to go to Hilda’s, but I told him he needs to stay clear of the trailer.”

“It’s my fucking trailer, kid.”

“Kid? Really old man? Who pays the rent? Who pays for the electricity and makes sure there’s food in the cupboards?”

The air crackles as son and father square off with one another.

“Hilda has invited you over, so I suggest you take a shower, put on a nice shirt, and go keep the woman happy. If you can manage to get it up.” Warren chuckles, but Mitch looks murderous.

“You’re an evil son—”

“Yeah, yeah. Save it for someone who cares.” He walks away from him, toward me. “You all good?”

“Yeah.” I smile, but it’s at odds with the knot in my stomach. “I don’t have to—”

“Shh.” He kisses my forehead. “It’s almost your birthday, you deserve this.”

His mood swings give me whiplash, but I can’t deny I feel a flicker of excitement at the thought of spending the night with Shelbie instead of him.

“Where are you going anyway?”

“Business calls,” he says cryptically, tapping the end of my nose.

I want to ask what business, but something tells me I don’t want to know.

“I’ll miss you,” I add for effect.

“Not as much as I’ll miss you, baby.” He slides his lips over mine, plunging his tongue deep into my mouth. “Make me something to eat before I leave?”

“Of course. What are you in the mood for?”

“That thing you do with the chicken tenders and pasta.”

“Coming right up.” I go to move around him, but he grabs my arm. “I love you, Kennedy.”
