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"Yeah,” she gives a shy shrug, “we went to school together in Gravestone."

A growl rumbles up Cole's throat the longer Alex holds onto Hadley, and not two seconds later does he actually pull her out of his arms and into his own.

"Cole, Hadley's fiancé," he grits out, although he refuses to take Alex's hand when he holds it out in greeting.


"Why the fuck are you here?" Ace barks at Bexley.

"I... uh... I was invited." He runs a hand over his head and down his neck.

"Fuck off you were. Why would anyone want you here?"


"Bexley, boys," James warns, coming to stand with us with the older man they arrived with at his side. "I'd like to introduce you to Marcus, my uncle. Marcus, these are my boys—Ace, Cole, and Conner."

I glance at Bexley, who has a slight smirk tugging at his lips, before flicking my gaze to Alex's. My eyes narrow and I swear I recognize more about him than I should, but I know I've never met him before.

My stomach twists painfully.

Something is very, very wrong here.

"It's so nice to meet you all at last. I've heard so much about you all, not just from James, but from Bex here. It was such a privilege to bring my nephew home when he needed a fresh start."

My eyes narrow at Marcus as his words ring out in my head, but Kenny beats me to it. "Y-your nephew… but James just said you're his uncle... That means..."

"Oh no... no fucking way," Ace hisses.

I look between Ace, James and Bexley, my muscles growing tense and my need to fight beginning to get the better of me.

There's no way this can be true. We'd know if we were... if we were related.

The tension crackles and the atmosphere grows heavier as no one says anything.

Kenny turns into my body and reaches up to whisper in my ear. "Let's get another drink."

"No, I need—"

"Conner, not now, yeah? Come on." She slips her hand into mine and I allow her to pull me away. She leads me out of the room until we're in an empty hallway.

"K, I need to—" I look back at the door I just allowed her to drag me through. "I need to get back."

"No, Conner."

"But Bexley, he's... he's our... Fuck. I shake my head, a deep crease forming on my brow.

"I know, babe. But now isn't the time to let it get to you. It's their wedding day."


Her warm hands cup my face. "It doesn't matter right now, Conner. There are secrets, a lot of them, it seems. But him being related to you means nothing. It doesn't affect us in any way. Just focus on that, yeah? On Betty. On the road trip we've got ahead of us."

She smiles up at me, excitement shining in her eyes, and I allow it to bleed into me.

I look at the door one more time, but I know she's right. "Okay, yeah," I whisper.

She brushes her lips against mine, our bodies aligning. "There's a chance there's always going to be secrets, babe. James is obviously… connected. But just focus on what's important."
