Page 8 of Definitely Not Him

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I tore into the gift like a child at Christmas, freezing at the sight of the Chanel logo.

“Go on,” she said. “Open the rest of it.”

I gently lifted the top, feeling my heart flip once I saw the authentic version of a knockoff dress that hung in my closet. Coral pink with hand-sewn glitter sequins, it was a thigh-length, low-cut dress with a long slit on its left side.

“I can’t accept this from you.” I shook my head. “Doesn’t this cost like eighteen hundred dollars?”

“I can afford it, trust me.” She kissed my cheek. “Plus, you can’t go into your thirties wearing knockoffs. Those days need to be over.”

I hugged the fabric against my chest, and Madison set a different box next to me.

“I bought you the matching butterfly stilettos,” she said. “Please get rid of your cheap ones that look like moths now. I’ll have to disown you if you wear them again.”

I snorted and admired the craftsmanship on the soles.

“You’re getting a much-needed blowout at the shop next door before your scavenger hunt, too,” Kristin said. “That emergency procedure is also on me.”

“That doesn’t sound like a birthday gift.” I narrowed my eyes. “Sounds more like shade, like you and Madison are talking shit behind my back.”

“We say it in front of your face, too.” She laughed, picking up a vanilla cone. “You’ve needed to get your hair professionally done for months.”

“Months.” Madison confirmed.

“Thanks.” I gave them both the middle finger, and suddenly, the worst ringtone in the world sounded in my purse.

Ugh. You’ve got to be kidding me.

“Yes, Miss Swift?” I answered out of habit.

“I need you to come to my condo and help me right now!” She cried. “Please! This is a 9-1-1 level emergency, and I think I’m about to die.”

“Shouldn’t you call the real 9-1-1 then?”

“Hell no. No one else can ever know about this,” she said. “I’ve sent Bennie to your friend’s little ice cream shop to get you. Hurry up and get here before it’s too late.”

She ended the call, and I resisted the urge to scream.

“Welp, it was nice while it lasted.” Kristin patted my back. “We made this scavenger hunt our best one to date. Your parents would be proud.”

“Except for the last clue,” Madison said. “That’s a dirty one, so they’ll probably petition to keep us out of heaven when we die.”

“I’ll beg for their forgiveness.” I opened the ice chest to grab a few quick scoops, but my boss’s driver pulled in front of the shop’s doors.

“I’ll be right back,” I said.

Kristin and Madison shot me “No, the hell you won’t,” glances.

They’re probably right.

I stepped outside, not giving Bennie a chance to open the back door for me.

“Good afternoon, Miss March.” He watched me climb onto the backseat. “I haven’t seen you in a while.”

“You saw me yesterday when you took me to get Miss Swift’s groceries, and the day before that when you drove me to buy twenty different brands of mascara for a TikTok video.”

“Just making conversation.” He smiled. “Buckle your seatbelt, please.”

I obliged and leaned back against the leather. “Can we please take the long, scenic route to her condo?”

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