Page 72 of Savage Thief

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“Umm. I’ve never been free to laugh and just be. The club candy, they aren’t exactly the friend material I’m looking for. Don’t get me wrong, they’re cool to party with if you’re into that kind of thing, but…It’s that. My step-father. He raped me as a child. And then sold me. So when you say grab my freedom and hold onto it…you’re right. I need to grab onto what I have and never let go. That’s why I hope to never lose you as a friend.”

Fuck, this girl is going to make me cry. I wrap her in my arms and give her the biggest hug.

On some level, I’ve never known freedom either. “I know that had to be hard to say out loud. Thank you for trusting me. You’re not alone and you will always have me as a friend. Always.” I make a silent promise that when all this is over, I will come back. I will make sure Avery knows I mean what I say. She is never alone and I’m a friend for life. I release her and we both fight back the tears from our eyes.

I take her hands in mine when I realize walking away with no explanation is not what a friend would do. I’ve never felt free in my life but the prospect of knowing it waits for me come tomorrow’s sunrise; I feel nearly weightless with hope. Because of this, there is no other option either.


I turn stone-cold serious. “Avery, I need to ask you for a favor. Mind if I borrow the truck?”



As I slow the truck to a stop half a mile from my father’s house. There’s a small abandoned logging road from way back before this place became home. It’s muddy and dark, but the low-hanging branches do a great job of hiding the truck.

Lashes of rain beat against the windshield and I have no choice but to step out.

Mud splashes over leather when I climb out. But it’s the slap of water in the face that has me gritting. “Holy Jesus. That’s cold.” I don’t know why I even bothered changing clothes at this point. I’m instantly drenched.

Because of all the comings and goings of people who rather not be seen my father opted for a large spread in the middle of nowhere. Thick woods lie in either direction.

Leaving the truck behind, I make sure the two-lane is void of people, but no one really comes this far back unless they are up to no good.

Since guards are at the front gate just like the Savages have set up, I head across the road and cut through the woods. Slick leaves and hard branches smack across my shoulders and face. Unlike Hark’s new crew, my family believes in heavy foot patrol. Where Ares has his men walk the perimeter every couple of hours, my father believed in keeping a tight perimeter line.

Hopefully, Sean hasn’t changed things up. But I won’t really know until it’s too late. Old habits die hard I realize when I pat my pocket looking for the cell phone I normally keep in my jeans only to find nothing. Without checking the time I’m left guessing when and where the guards will be.

I slosh my way through the densely wooded area surrounding my family’s property until I’m outside the south wall. I remember Axel, my old bodyguard, talking about needing to remove an old tree that fell during a storm about a month back. I cross my fingers and hope like hell it’s still there. A few more steps and I clear the tree line to find my prayers answered.

With a little luck, a few Hail Marys, and the traction on my new boots I’m over the fence and taking the eight-foot plunge like a pro. I don’t usually try to burglarize my own home, but shit happens.

Step one done.

On the inside, I press my body against the back wall and let my black cotton and denim exterior blend in with the mossy brick. Air is also in short supply.

But the worry is all for nothing. There’s no movement other than the rain. Nor are there any lights. In fact, the place looks empty. Could I be so lucky?

Shaky and high on adrenaline, I push forward. I retrace my steps from a few nights ago. But instead of running away from danger, I’m running right back into the thick of it. As one does.

The closer I get the more unsettling it becomes. I’ve never seen the place in full blackout before. Seriously, not a single light is on. The garages, offices, garden lights. I mean, there are fifty-two freaking rooms in this place. Butnada. No one is home. Go me?

I feel around in the manicured flower beds by Hark’s old bungalow until I find the little ring box I buried back in my teenage days. Sneaking out was easy. Something Sadie and I did a lot of and prepared for all unforeseeable outcomes. Like getting locked out.

I palm the set of keys I’ve used countless times. I had one made for each of the main floor doors.

Step two done.

Instead of bee-lining it across the open space of the lawn, I stick to the tall shrubs and let them mask my presence.

A crack of lightning sends me pressing into the limbs and leaves.

I count out until the thunder rolls before I continue. It’s not long before a pattern reveals itself and every seven seconds I stop, press, count and then move.

As a bolt of electricity peels across the sky, I count one last time and use the boom and roar to mask the sound of a key in a lock.

Darkness and the scent of lemon wood polish greet me.
