Page 21 of Savage Justice

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I exchange a look with Rage. We don’t have to speak to know what the other is thinking. He knows what we need most right now so I let him fill in our new clients. “Keep your money,” Rage drawls in a casual tone. “We want something else.”

Their cool expressions of confidence falter for the briefest of seconds. “Something wrong with the deal, gentlemen? Did I just not prove we can pay your fee and then some?”

“We’re not after money. We’re looking for something more valuable.”

It’s like their expressions were connected in some way. All three pinch their brows and rock back on their heels with curiosity in their gazes.

“We’re listening,” Harlon offers.

Good, I have their attention.

“We’re after connections. We’ll supply what you are looking for and in return when we need a favor just give us your word you’ll be there. Do that for us and I think we can have a long-running relationship that will be mutually beneficial.” Three sets of keen, dark eyes watch us intently and I can see the gears working as they each consider my offer.

“The Savages and the Genesis men. If we were to form a union between our families we could control a lot more than our current territory.”

“We could do a lot. And prevent a lot more,” I offer tentatively.

My phone goes off again and I know something is wrong this time.

“Exactly,” the one named Cassian nods and clasps his friend on the shoulder. “This anything to do with the Volkov brothers?”

That piques my interest and I ignore the vibration in my pocket again. I turn the weight of my full attention on him. “What do you know about the twins?”

“That they are pieces of shit with growing power. Don’t seem so shocked. We make it our job to know potential threats and rising powers. We’re not fools. State lines and territories don’t mean shit to them. What is your problem today, is our problem tomorrow. You get my meaning?”

“You should know they’ve been in contact with us. They’re looking to move merchandise through our city and soon. You can see why we mention them. Five days tops. They’re throwing your name around as backers. This true?”

That’s Santi.

I grit my back molars half expecting them to do shit like this. “Not exactly.”

Harlon, Cassian, and Santi don’t seem like men who take people at their word. They consider my curt reply for a few seconds. I expect more questions, more suspicion or at least a show of mistrust.

I get none of that from the trio. Only nods. “Reaper told me about your crew. Your true objective. I think you’ll find it aligns with ours.”

I pull the conversation back to where it interests me most. “What did you tell the Volkovs?”

“Out of respect for you and this being your territory we told them to clear it with you first.”

“Good man. Set it up. Keep us in the loop. We’ll be in contact with the products you need.”

Harlon breaks rank with his men and steps close enough I can see the reflection of the graying light in the black of his pupils. “Our city is yours to do what you need to do with the Volkovs when the time comes. All you need to do is call. Our city, our club, our resources are all yours. The brothers need taking down and I hope you give us the opportunity to help.”

He clutches my hand, slipping a card into it when he pulls away and they leave.

The second the taillights of the Ghost disappear I pull my phone out and read over the various messages from Fergie.

“Fuck. Let’s go, Rage.”

“What’s up?”

“It seems our little hacker is also an escape artist.”



I’ve got a problem. I lick my lips and crack them open with a snarl.Problemis actually an understatement.
