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He gave a single shoulder shrug. “I was a different man in my twenties and my father often labeled me the wild one. Don’t get me wrong, I focused, worked hard and earned my degrees, but,” his eyes unfocused as his mind’s eye focused on the past. Or at least that’s the impression she got as he stared out the bay windows to the rolling landscape. She didn’t know how far outside the city they were but not a car horn or building could be seen from any window.

“Let’s just say my bad boy days are definitely behind me. I had one rebellious year where I was in denial of who I really was. Everyone saw me as the dependable brother and son. Always early to work, never deviating from my goals. One year I got tired of it all.”

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to bring up bad memories.”

“I guess we’re a lot more alike than we realized. Reformed hell-raisers.” He scrubbed the plates and set them to dry and turned to the pans next.

Much to her relief, a melody of bells rang out through the house.

“I’ll get it if you like.”

He held up soapy hands. “Thanks.”

Her phone vibrated from her back pocket, signaling a message. Juniper ignored it as she unlatched the front door and offered a smile to the woman on the other side.

Juniper stared. She couldn’t help it. It was like looking at a movie star or royalty. A nicely tailored suit the color of emeralds framed a beautiful feminine physique. Platinum curls draped over perfectly poised shoulders and a set of long lashes framed the most beautiful brown eyes. Everything about the woman screamed Paris catwalk and deep Southern pockets.

“Hello.” The woman tilted her head to the side a degree and paused, giving her a once-over.

“So what they say about you is true, after all.”

Sultry and willowy. Even her voice was smooth and soft on the ears.

“Youarea vision, dear.” By a glance, the woman couldn’t be a year or two older than Juniper. She raised a delicate, manicured hand to rest on her arm. “You haven’t stolen my sweet Marshall’s heart away, have you?”

Juniper’s brows pulled together in confusion. “Excuse me?”

Perfectly plucked and brushed brows peeked out beneath a curtain of bangs as she sighed with exasperation at Juniper’s question.

Well then.

Juniper’s phone buzzed again. This time Juniper stole a glance and readGranon the screen.

While distracted the woman pushed past Juniper into the round spacious foyer. Off to the side, a twin rounded staircase led to the second floor and Juniper’s escape.

“Priscilla Masterson. I’m sure you’ve heard of me.”

That put the brakes on and grabbed Juniper’s attention.

With an air of importance and impatience, the woman pushed her hand into Juniper’s. In her defense, she was too shocked by the Barbie of a woman and all the details Stella had shared with her while Marshall had been on overseas calls the night before to properly introduce herself.

According to his sister, the one-time duo had dated for all of three seconds, but by Stella’s words Marshall had broken it off and the oil princess hadn’t taken the rejection too well.

Regulating the whip of sarcasm that crossed her mind and threatened to come out, Juniper closed the door silently and counted to five. “Please come in,” she said instead.

Red lips pursed in defiance. In a snappy tone, the woman demanded, “Marshall, where is he? I need to see him.”

Well, right away, your highness.

“Of course.” Juniper wanted to pat herself on the back for her civil tone when the woman would tempt a saint to sin.

Marshall popped out of the kitchen and came up beside her just then with a tight smile thinning his lips which she read as one hundred percent irritation, but not at her.

“Priscilla. What are you doing here?”

Wow. His tone came out a little cold even to her ears.

Clearly ignoring the iciness, Priscilla waved a hand in indifference. “Marshall darling, I see you couldn’t wait for me to return from my trip abroad. Such impulsive decisions.” That earned Juniper a peculiar look of dismissal as Priscilla closed the space between them and came in for a hug and a kiss on the cheek in greeting from Marshall.
