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“What’s wrong, Juniper? Mr. Siggs deliver bad news?”

Like she would tell. When she didn’t move to answer, Stacey took it as a chance to dig the knife a little deeper. “I just thought you should know I landed a Hollywood elite for their tenth wedding anniversary party.”

“You mean you landed your uncle’s tenth wedding anniversary? Let’s stop beating around the bush. You only got that because of your blood and last name. Not because you’re better than me.”

Banners used her business as a tool to gouge money from clients and under-delivered on everything. This might be a big city, but bad news always travelled fast.

Whereas Juniper worked hard to save her clients money and bring their dreams to life. But Stacey...nah she was an acquired taste, to say the least.

The itch that someone should tell her bugged Juniper. “You know, Banners,” she considered her words. “Good for you. They are in good hands.”

She had ten thousand reasons to celebrate and be grateful at the moment. One way she could do that was by spreading good mojo. She almost wanted to reach around and pat herself on the back.

The added karma wouldn’t hurt her cause. While on a do-gooder high, Juniper gathered her negative thoughts and threw them away in one lump sum.

“Whatever you say, Winters. I already know I’m the best.” A heavy sigh came from behind her and Juniper knew without looking that an eye roll went with her friend’s exasperated sigh.

Banners flipped one spiraled tress over her shoulder and turned for the door on her stiletto-heeled boots.

Thank sweet baby Jesus.

Juniper had more important things to worry about. Like not getting shut down. Wouldn’t that make Banners’ year. Steel slipped into her spine with that thought and a new resolve took hold. Over her dead body would she let that little smug princess win.

“Oh, by the way,”

Heaven help me, she silently pleaded. Juniper narrowed her eyes at Banners. “Yes, Banners?”

“You guys make it so easy. I thought you should also know your marketing must be trash. Want to know why?”

“Nope.” Juniper held the door open for her.

“Looks like the summer season will be killer. I just booked three weddings. And,” Stacey paused and took a couple of steps back instead of marching right on out the front door. “I was on the phone this morning with Mr. Blackwood.” She tapped her bottom lip to draw out Juniper’s torture.

“I think you know the one. By that shocked look on your face, I would say you do. Well, he’s very charming. By the end of the call, I would say I have a foot in if you mess this up. Now, what do you have?”

Handcuffs if I follow through with my murderous rage.

She didn’t have a problem with confrontations but something sealed Juniper’s mouth shut. It could have been the dull, glassy look to Stacey’s eyes or the way the woman uncharacteristically chewed on her lip. Something was off and she didn’t feel right lashing out.

Apparently, Callie didn’t feel the same way.

“Run along, ice princess. Hasn’t anyone ever told you to be nice and not such a backstabbing slut who has to sleep with their clients? Yeah, we heard about that little makeout session you did with your former client’s fiancé. Yeah, we heard. Run along now and go stuff a cucumber.”

Juniper turned to Callie as Banners’ face morphed from highfalutin to a worrisome red. She huffed a girlie sound and did an about-face before shoving the door open that made the bell jiggle with a vengeance.

Juniper let the door slide shut, a little more than stunned at the words coming from her assistant’s mouth.

“Holy hell, Callie. Stuff a cucumber? How long have you been holding that in?” Juniper admonished now that they were alone. Unable to contain her laughter, she pressed a hand to her mouth. “Now all she’ll do is focus on how to make our lives a living hell.”

“It’ll almost be worth it.” Callie shrugged. “It was fun seeing her face turn red like that.”

She held up her thumb and pointer finger. “Just a little, you know?” Juniper admitted as she sank into a nearby chair. “Let her chew on that for a while.”

Hot air rushed through the open door and her poor bell took the abuse once again. Juniper popped up from her chair and turned to face Banners.You’ve got to be kidding. “Now what? Didn’t you get enough licks in before? Or do you have more venom to spray out?”

Marshall cleared his throat loudly and her eyes widened into fat saucers.

Not Banners.
