Page 19 of Justice for Three

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Islam back two fingers’ worth of bourbon and try to drown out the howls of fury snarling their disgust inside my chest. I swallow them down just like I’ve done for the past three years. The sounds echo through my brain. I shut that part of my brain off long enough to shake a few hands and do the customary back slapping with a few clients.

House Pandora didn’t only cater to the elite, but to sexual preferences as well. To men, in specific, who craved to share their women with other men. Who needed to see their women beneath another man, to see her taking pleasure from a third pumping into them, drawing out their inner sensualities.

The only difference between these men and us is we didn’t go home to other relationships after a night in another couple’s bed.

But the sharing aspect must have stayed with Justice. She had a taste of our lifestyle and now it seemed she wanted it again by putting herself up for auction.

Sitting next to me, Jacob and Lucian mirror my emotions, wrestling their own chaotic thoughts into submission.

Jacob signals the waitress over and orders another double for the table and it’s delivered promptly. If nothing else, House Pandora prides themselves on delivering what the clients want every time, but this time that is what has my guts in knots.

They want to use Justice to satisfy some group of fuckers’ cravings.

Staring at my drink, I focus on the facets of light playing off the amber liquid that reminded of the gold specs in her green eyes. Jacob slides his hands down his face looking ten shades of worried and Lucian doesn’t fare much better.

None of us slept last night as we put the final details on our plan.

I twirl the glass in my hands. “Are we going too far?”

Lucian grunts, swallowing another mouthful of bourbon. “For the millionth time, no. Stop fucking asking. Unless you want our girl to go home with a trio like that.”

Lucian yanks his chin toward a group of men a couple of tables down who look just like us. Three men searching for a night of pleasure to any other onlooker. But we know the darker side of fetishes. The underlying hidden reasons people like us crave to share our women. They’ve lived through darkness, for whatever reason in this world, and are looking to find peace in sharing love or pleasure. But some can’t find the thin line between their pasts and what they need to move on. We’ve watched friends spiral into chaos and bleak existences no matter how much we tried to step in and help. Sometimes the darkness in men ruins the women they touch. For a long time I thought we had done the same to Justice. I’m still not sure we haven’t. Only time will tell.

“Fuck you, Lucian. You’re an asshole you know that?”

He shrugged, giving me a cold, steel look. “You think that’s bad, think on this. Right now, to her, we don’t exist anymore. And we don’t know if this things we have with her is one sided or not.”

I rub at the center of my chest when a stab of pain shoots through me.

He’s right. I know he is, but we shouldn’t have let it come this far. We could have stepped in a hundred times before tonight, plucked her off the street as she went to one meeting or another and forced her to listen to us.

Only Jacob and Lucian kept it from happening. Forcing me to stay on the sidelines and let her make her own choices. That changed when those choices led us all here tonight.

Taking in the giant room, I notice the lights flicker on for the stage and a fluttering of a curtain. It won’t be long now. My cock twitches at the idea of seeing Justice again. Looking into her eyes and seeing her, filling my soul up with her warmth. Justice is our one weakness, the sunshine in a vast darkness. I’ve withered into nothing without her. We all have.

A year ago, a client sponsored a membership for all three of us after recognizing something in me and my business partners. Until two weeks ago it went unclaimed, but they were determined in recruiting us so invitation after invitation arrived by mail. Almost like clockwork. But the men and I agreed we didn’t need another. Justice is the one. We just had to bide our time. Well, that time has come.

When Jacob opened the club invitation to join a fundraising auction, it almost went into the trash with all the others. Had it not been for Jacob's eagle eye spotting Justice’s name on the auction ballot, she might have been sold off.

Tonight, we walked through the doors for the first time with one objective: Justice.

Those who belong live secret sexual lives most of society frowns upon. Behind the closed door of the club almost anything is allowed.

We didn’t care about any of it. Our tunnel vision narrowed in on one woman.

And nowsheis in House Pandora. I bet she’s wondering who she’ll be auctioned off to tonight.

No matter how you dress it up, this is the last fucking place a woman like her should be. I can’t help but wonder what we did to her by letting her leave that night and not fighting for her. We should have stayed the fuck away, is what. Kept our hands and our bodies to ourselves. But no. We were savages and because we couldn’t control ourselves around her, we opened her up to our lifestyle and in the process lost her. Ice forms in my veins. God, we failed her, but like hell we will fail her again.

I bury the insane impulse to throw back my drink, seek Justice out and leave here with her willingly or screaming and fighting me. A woman in her position should never open herself to the dangers of being auctioned off to strangers. Only a naive person would look at the men in this room and feel safe. Didn’t she learn anything from the last kidnapping? Beneath these dapper exteriors live blood-thirsty wolves with vicious hungers. I know because we’ve worked with over half of them and understand how their inner gears turn. I’ve spent hours in the shadows as closed-door deals went down. I’ve been privy to a lot of information as a bodyguard, witnessed the kink they are into and I have a long memory.

I scan the large ballroom with its fancy gold drapes and plush black carpeting. Tables line the expanse between us and the stage. We’ve tucked ourselves far enough away where the shadows hide our features.

Beside us sit the elite of society all huddled together in tight packs sipping bourbon and hashing out hushed deals among the stock market trade deals that will steal from the poor and line their own coffers three-fold. I don’t need to hear what they are saying to know it’s happening.
