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Baby? Strong fingers pressed into my waist.

“Give the word and he’s out of here, sweetness.”

My eyes went wide at the owner of the second voice standing behind Michael. I’d been so distracted by Jace I didn’t see the other man until he spoke. Which said something of my distraction because he easily took up the space of two men.

Cade Walker.

Another ex. But this one I wish I hadn't walked away from. Cade popped my cherry, treated me like a queen and I left like an idiot because I wanted him and his best friend. How stupid of me, really. Sure, the story always went deeper than what showed on the surface. My family needed me so I went home. But that came with a price like all things in life, I supposed.

Jace held me so close air molecules couldn’t fit between our bodies—I wasn’t sure what to do for a second but the fear in Michaels eyes had my senses coming back.

“No, he was just leaving.”

Michael was no small man, but standing between these two he looked like a scared little wafer of a boy.

“Like hell. I paid good money to get in here and I’m not fucking leaving. Just how many guys were you screwing behind my back? I was right, you’re nothing but a w—”

Cade’s fist to the side of Michael’s face cut off the W word.

I cringed and took a hearty step back. Sure, he earned it, but still I felt bad for the guy. Music screeched to a halt and now the other half of the club trying to mind their own business looked our way.

One second I was lined up for a hearty backhand and in the next I was being kissed, called baby, and now I have a wall of protective muscle in front of me. Two to be exact. What funny trick was the Universe playing on me?

Jace and Cade took Michael by the arms and passed him over to the security team that made their way through the gawkers lining the dance floor.

Both men towered over me by a good head and the expanse of muscle so wide my nipples hardened. What? Don’t judge me for having a thing for muscle.

Jace turned to me first and then Cade, and the intensity leveled on me made my knees tremble. Someone cranked the music back up and now that the show ended, everyone returned to their drinks and make-out sessions.

Except for me. I wanted nothing more than to slink back into the darkness and find the nearest exit. What went through my mind to think I could be like these people? And to have Jace and Cade standing in front of me again?

Fuck me.

“Umm...yeah...sorry about that. I’ll be going now.” On some level I hoped that didn’t make me sound like a coward, but I didn't care at the moment. I just needed out of their space. They smelled so damn good I was afraid I might jump them and take Jace’s kiss further than he intended.

I tried to push out of Jace's arms. He let me, but I didn't get far before he had his hand in mine and we were walking through the crowd.

“How about you join us instead,” Jace insisted. He looked like he would sling me over his shoulder if I disobeyed.

Cade stepped in beside us. Sandwiched between them both, I smelled their crisp, masculine goodness.

“I was dancing with someone,” I tried again, momentarily wondering where my Mr. Bartender had gone off to. But both overprotective men either acted like they didn’t hear or outright ignored me for several minutes until we were a good distance past the loud, thumping music.

Jace peered down at me; studied my face. “No running this time, Elle. You’re coming with us.”

Cade slipped a rough, callused hand down my back, the caress a heated graze of skin on skin.

I shivered. Damn, that felt unbelievably sensational. As we walked both men plowed a path through the crowd of people. Women on both sides of us skipped pretty painted fingertips over muscle as we passed while I got the dirty looks. Silently, I wondered if I had jumped from the pan into the fire.

Chapter Four


Isucked in a breath of astonishment. Jitters. Fear.

All the above, actually when an elevator door swooshed open and they ushered me inside. What felt like a handful of seconds later, we reached a secluded area of the club where the music played low enough you could talk and the people don’t stare as much. Unless you were me. Then all eyes tracked every minute movement and for the life of me, I couldn’t figure out why. Unless they knew I didn’t belong in a place like this as much as I did. I didn’t fit among all the pretty people. Ordinary and plain. But where Cade and Jace have led me made me feel like the pauper among royalty.

Where I served chicken wings or made coffee runs, everyone here screamed importance. But what really stung had to be the looks my two unexpected heroes received from the females hot enough to make a priest blush.
