Page 110 of The Hookup Plan
‘You’re so bad,’ he mouthed.
I stuck my tongue out in return. Hey, I was married. I didn’t say I was totally mature.
I turned to Brodie. “It’s looking less rockstar and more porn star.”
“And that’s a bad thing?” Brodie quipped.
“I’m all for that 70s look, but I can’t see your cheekbones. You need a trim on the sides, and texturizing on top. Let’s go up to the photo studio and get it done.”
When we reached the tenth floor, Jesse was already there, along with Evert, Holloway, Ronin, and Faise. Regan and Dawson were nearby, having what looked to be an intense conversation with Averell Jones, the head of the label’s marketing team.
Evert was setting up the scene for his photo shoot and waved us over.
“Hey Payton, Lennie,” he greeted us.
“I’m ready to get to work, what are you thinking style wise?” I asked Evert.
“I want the guys to look like it’s the end of the night, after a long performance. Slick skin, wet hair, smeared makeup.”
“Of course,” I replied, and motioned for the band to join me. “Brodie, you’re up first, since I have to cut the mane.”
“When are you gonna get to me, Payton?” Ronin teased. “I thought I was your favorite.”
“I told you before, Ronin, I only service one man at a time,” I teased.
“Does Lennie know that?” Ronin waggled his eyebrows.
Lennie didn’t reply, but his rude hand gesture said a lot. God, it was good to be back at work.
“Hair and makeup only, honey,” I retorted. “I’m a happily married man now.”
Lennie leaned down and gave me a kiss before walking over to talk to Regan.
“It’s real?” Holloway asked, eyes wide. “You guys are staying married?”
“We are.”
I’m pretty sure the wattage of my smile could power the entire studio.
“Called it!” Brodie yelled, and Holloway gave him a high five.
Regan’s voice suddenly interrupted us. “Payton, a word, please!”
“Ooh, trouble’s calling,” Faise teased. “And for once, it’s not about Ro.”
Ronin pulled Faise into his arms and kissed his fiancé quiet.
I headed over to talk with Regan and Lennie. “What’s up?”
“Lennie told me about your decision, and I want to offer you both my congratulations,” Regan replied.
She smiled, which, for the security boss, was rare.
“Thanks, Regan.”
“But,” she added, her face stern again. “I want to reiterate that when Lennie is on duty, he can’t be distracted. If there are any personal issues between you, whatever they might be, you need to work it out on your own time. Understood?”
“Totally,” I replied, a hand over my heart.