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I looked up toward Bain. Had he seen them too? Hades, he'd probably sensed them half an hour ago. I envied that skill from time to time, but I would probably let my curiosity get the better of me too often.

Bain leaned forward, past Latika, and said something to Kayley. At the same time, he pointed toward the copse. While all of the Dragonesque dropped lower, Bain waved an arm over his head, signalling to the pair that they weren't about to be lunch.

One of the wolves stepped out of the copse as Yard dropped lightly to the ground. I recognised Knox before he shifted.

After he shifted, I might have drooled, just a little. His eyes found mine and he smiled.

I caught a glimpse of his cock hardening before Bain tossed him a pair of pants. He almost missed the catch, but grabbed them out of the air before they hit the ground.


He slipped them on carefully and stepped further out of the trees.

"It's good to see you." If he was scared of the dragon shifters before he realised we were on their backs, he gave no sign.

I didn't mind admitting they'd scared me at first too, but I didn't have a male ego to contend with.

"You too," I told him. "Sorry to take so long to catch up."

He smiled. "That's okay. We were looking for somewhere to spend the night."

"This is as good a place as any," Bain said.

In the moments following his words, the copse became a flurry of shifting and dressing. Kayley in her sari and the guys in pants.

"Oh my gods," Aisha breathed.

I was pretty much up to my eyeballs in lust for several guys, but the Dragonesque were almost enough to make my ovaries hurt. They were all ripped as fuck, tall and tanned. No wonder Aisha was staring.

"You're drooling," I teased.

She shook her head. "I don't care." She might have wiped her mouth.

I chuckled.

"Thanks for the ride," I said to Yard, who was over six feet tall, all muscle with a broad smile.

"No problem. I like to be between the legs of pretty girls any chance I get." He winked at me and nodded at Aisha. He obviously realised how young she was. Too young for him to go there, especially with her mother metres away, watching with hawk-like eyes.

Like mother, like daughter.

Bain scowled at him too, as did Kayley. Then she scowled at me, as if I was the one flirting.

I smiled back at her and looked away. If she was jealous, that was her problem, not mine. Yard was hot, but I had enough on my plate.

Right behind Kayley, Zeph was also shooting daggers at Yard. I don't know what shit we'd managed to get in the middle of here, but I was staying right out of it.

I did take a moment to admire Zeph's brooding good looks though. He was taller than Yard, but with a harder edge to him. His face was all chiselled angles, narrowed eyes, and a hint of scruff on his chin.

He caught me looking and his eyes narrowed further.

He'd give Bain a run for his money in the grumpy-ass race, by the look of it. Whatever. That was also not my problem.

Conor, the final Dragonesque, seemed to be a younger version of Zeph, but without the stab-you-with-his-eyes glare. His hair was slightly lighter too. Where Zeph's eyes were almost black, Conor's were chocolate brown.

"I only saw Kayley in person form," Aisha whispered a bit too loudly. "I had no idea."

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