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The power came to me immediately, as strong as ever. I could have taken on several guys while in the bath. As long as they didn't have power too, that was. I assumed my attacker didn't, since he used his hands to try to drown me.

Whatever happened to me before had stopped, or gone away.

"Good." Knox nodded. "Hopefully it won't happen again."

"Yeah, that sucked pretty hard." Damn. Normally saying that made me think of cocks.

Now. it just made me remember being under the water. My air running out gradually. Being utterly helpless.

If it wasn't for Bain, I would be dead right now. I wasn't ready to go and hang out with Hades yet. I needed to know who was trying to kill me and why. When I found that out, I still wouldn't be ready. I was too young for that shit. I'd just started to live my life.

Knox's tongue darted over his lips. "I'm sorry I wasn't there to help you."

I grimaced at him. What was it with men and their alpha shit?

"Did you ask to be bonked on the head?" I gave him a stern look. "Because unless you did, then there was nothing you could do."

"I could have been paying attention more. Then I wouldn't have been—" he used my words "—bonked on the head."

"Then you might have ended up dead," I said. "They weren't going to let you stand in their way."

"I should have stopped them," he insisted. "Whatever it took."

"You wouldn't be much use to the Vault if you're dead," I said bluntly. "It needs you more than it needs me."

"Ineed you," Knox said. "I think you're more important to the Vault than you know. Than anyone knows."

I frowned. "I don't want to be important to the Vault. I'd just like to live out my normal, dull life."

Knox smiled. "I doubt your life would ever be dull."

"Yeah, maybe not." I had to give him that point. "But I'd be okay if no one else tried to attack me."

"I'd like that too," Knox agreed. "But we'll keep you safe. Only," he added quickly, "when you can't keep yourself safe."

"Damn right," I said. "Don't you forget I'm a badass." Only, I didn't feel very much like one. I wanted to build a blanket fort and hide under there with a tablet and decent wifi. And chocolate. As ambitions went, that sounded pretty good to me. I might even get a puppy. Or a kitten.

"I could never forget that." He locked his eyes on me.

Before I realised what he was doing, he leaned in and pressed his mouth to mine. It was a gentle kiss, but with promise of more if we ever got to be alone again.

I kissed him back, but then pulled away. I didn't feel like putting on a display for Gorilla Guy. I shouldn't be kissing Knox at all. It was sending all the wrong messages to him, and to my whole body. Part of me wanted to unzip his pants and ride his cock right there, in front of everyone.

The rest of me knew it wasn't fair to Knox. The further away from me he was, the safer he would be.

Now I just had to convince him and my libido. I don't know which one would be a harder sell.

"Viva," Knox started to say.

I pressed a finger to his lips. "Don't say anything. The attacks have rattled us all. I don't want you to feel like you need to say anything you'll regret later."

"I would never—" he said around my finger.

I pressed more firmly. "When this is over, we can have a nice, long talk. Until then, let's just keep it low-key. Okay? Chill."

"I can do chill," he said once I lowered my finger. "I won't forget about that talk though." He grabbed my hand and pressed a kiss to my palm.

"I'm sure you won't," I replied dryly. Men always forgot the right things and remembered the wrong ones. Okay, not always, but often enough.

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