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Why would they do that anyway? Comus was free, as far as I knew. Unless there were a bunch more demigods chilling in sarcophagi, waiting to be let out, then my job with the hemitheos was done.

Unless it was some attempt to free me from the terrible fate of being in Dex's gilded cage. They might think I was a prisoner here.

As I put the soap aside and picked up a bottle of shampoo, I couldn't help thinking they really didn't understand the situation. I could leave if I wanted to. I might leave if people stopped trying to attack me.

I might leave if I didn't think Dex would smile and insist I stay. I wasn't exactly a prisoner, but he wouldn't let go of me that easily.

If I was honest, I didn't want to go either. I cared about Dex, Bain, and Knox. And Kerina, Zophia, and Calista. Strange, I don't think I had ever cared about that many other people before.

"Sending me to the enemy, hmmm?" I said under my breath. The Covener and his son were still motherfuckers, but things worked out better than I thought they would. Certainly better thantheythought. They probably expected the shifters to throw me to the sand dragons the first chance they got.

"Are you all right in there?" Dex's voice came from just outside the door.

"Ummm. Yeah, just fine," I said lightly. "No sharks yet."

He laughed softly. "I've ordered some food to be brought up if you're almost finished. Don't worry about being too decent. There should be a towel in there for you."

So, naked is okay, but don't drip on the carpet. Got it.

I shook my head to myself. "I am hungry," I called back.

Now that I thought about it, I was more than hungry. I hadn't eaten since breakfast and I hadn't had much of that. By the time we got that close to the city, we only had a few stale rolls left. I'd taken a bite or two, then tossed it aside, into a bush.

"Me too," Dex said.

I heard his soft steps move away and climbed out of the bath. I grabbed the towel and wrapped it around myself before I pulled the plug out of the bath. The water gurgled away without any hint of a shark, or any other kind of fish.

I quickly dried and wrapped the towel over my hair and a dressing gown around the rest of me. I actually considered stepping out into the room naked, and whatever happened, happened.

I didn't, because it would be just my luck if his aunt, or someone else, had entered while I bathed. I didn't need that kind of embarrassment today.

Or any day.

Dex closed the outer door and carried a tray of food over to the table.

"Perfect timing," he said with a smile. "Although, I would have sat beside you and fed you while you were in the bath." He looked me up and down and smiled. I could almost see him thinking,Or eat you, while you're in the bath.

"That could get messy," I said, responding to both his unspoken and spoken words.

"There's nothing wrong with messy." Dex hurried to pull a chair out for me.

I gave him a look, because he knew I could do that myself. The folks in the Vault were old fashioned at times. Hells, the ones outside the city dressed like they lived a hundred years ago. The lack of decent internet wasn't surprising, really. A lot of the paranormals who lived here would probably not see the point of it.

Truthfully, neither did I at times.

I slid into the chair and tugged the dressing gown over my knees. This place must be getting to me, if I was being so modest. I mean, it's not like I walked around the Witches' Council chambers naked.

Actually, when I thought about it, I tried hard to avoid being noticed. When I was, I resorted to being a smart mouth.

Neither ended well, a lot of the time.

I lifted the cloche, which sat over my plate, and inhaled the warm smell of chicken, rice, and vegetables."

"Nothing is too hot," Dex said with a knowing smile. "Nothing on your plate that is."

"It better not be," I growled. I remembered how spicy the food was at the first meal in the Residence. I thought my mouth was on fire. Dex and Calista probably still laughed about it.

Dex chuckled.

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