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"Really?" Dex asked me. "Whose side are you on?"

I gave him the faintest smile. "Good question, since you can't pay me either." I was joking, of course. I was on his side, no matter what happened. And Viva’s. Hades willing I never had to choose between them.

"If Seth offers to pay you, would you work for him?" Devlin asked. Evidently he hadn't caught on to the joke.

"Only if he doubles it," I said evenly. "I wouldn't betray either of you unless the reward was worth it."

"You're such a twat," Kerina told me. To Devlin, she said, "He's not serious. If he was, I'd stab him in the eyeball."

“You have a knife?" I asked.

"No, but I could find a few splinters in the door," she replied easily. "It doesn't need to be big."

I eyed the door critically. "It does look a bit splintery," I agreed. Not enough to make a good sized weapon, but enough for her to carry out her threat. "Lucky I'm on our side."

"Very lucky," she agreed. "Now, we need a plan. Unless you want to rest here for a while?" For a moment I assumed she was sarcastic.

Then I took in her expression and the genuine concern in her eyes.

Right. They were locked away for a few days, cooling their heels, while I was trying to get back, dodging bullets and cannonballs. Not to mention almost dying. It wasn’t until now I realised I had dried blood on my clothes, and all of it was mine.

"The sooner we get out of here, the better," I said firmly. I could rest afterward, when Seth was taken down. Or put down.

"We've looked for a way out through the walls and window," Dex said. "The place is too well made. Usually that's a great thing."

"Yeah, when we wanted to keep people in. Not so great if we want to get out," I said. "We'll have to go the way we came in. Through the door."

Dex grimaced. "The people who bring food are our staff. I don't want to risk their lives, just so we can escape."

I nodded. "I get that. We'll have to make sure none of them gets hurt, if we can." I wouldn't forgive myself if they were harmed or worse, but that was a risk we had to take.

I doubted Seth and his conspirators would be so thoughtful. Asshole.

"Yes, but they've been sent to us because of who they are," Dex said darkly. "They assume we won't kill them to escape."

"They assume right," Kerina said.

"I know, but it's sneaky," Dex said.

"People who stage coups usually are sneaky," I pointed out. "That's their thing."

Dex snorted. "Yes, I suppose it is. It's what I'd do if I overthrew us. Use the staff as a shield."

"See, you have a sneaky side," I said to him.

"I never doubted he did," Devlin said. "That's why he's Keeper."

Dex frowned. "Um, thanks?"

Devlin grinned. "You're welcome. I'd rather have sneaky people onmyside."

"Me too," Dex conceded.

I waited.

"That's why I keep Bain around." Dex chuckled.

I rolled my eyes. "Is that the only reason?"

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