Page 75 of Kissing Plans

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“Yes, Mae. Whatever Royce said is true. He even lent Kasem the money to buy a house for Tracy to get him off my back. That’s true love, Mae. I love him, too. I can’t wait to marry him.”

“If that’s what you want, I’ll call your brothers.”

Mrs. Chen withdrew to another room. A few minutes later, she returned smiling. “My friends, I would like to announce the engagement of my daughter Susan to Royce Winston.”

A round of applause greeted her news.

“Ah, Royce is settling down finally? About time.” His father beamed. “Congratulations, son, Susan.” He hugged them both.

Soon the aroma of garlic, roasted meat, and mouthwatering spices emanated from the kitchen

“Dinner is ready,” Lillian announced. “Please help yourself.”

The caterers had set up the buffet on the center island in the kitchen.

“We have salad, turkey of course, roasted lamb, mashed potatoes, green beans with onions, and mushroom and jasmine rice. Bon appétit, my friends.Mrs. Chen, Dean Tristan, Dr. Randall, Heidi, please join us in the dining room. The others use the kitchen and dining area. It’s all one big open space.”

The guests navigated to the kitchen to fill their plates and spread around, sitting at various tables.

A vintage-style glass vessel stuffed with dark red carnations, juniper branches, plum-colored calla lilies, and purple millet ornamental grass offered a colorful fall display on the imposing table and spread a warm fragrance over the room.

Pumpkin baskets filled with fall blooms and berries made a bountiful centerpiece on the glass dining area table and a cake stand piled with gourds, leaves and ornamental corn decorated the kitchen isle.

Before sitting at the head of the table, Lillian started, “I will say grace. Thank you, Lord, for all your bounty, and thank you for allowing us to share in the happiness of two loving couples.” She raised the glass of wine a waiter had just handed her. “Congratulations, Royce and Susan. Congratulations, Kasem and Tracy.”

The guests toasted and cheered.

“When’s the wedding?” Steve asked in a booming voice.

Royce held Susan’s hand and brought it to his lips. “Your decision, Susan. Choose the date.”

“How about in a week? December first for a quick wedding at City Hall?” Her gaze flipped from Royce to Kasem and Tracy.

“You can’t do that,” Kasem complained. “Where will I go if you move in with Royce? My new house won’t be ready before Christmas.”

“Don’t worry, my love,” Tracy interrupted. “You’re coming to my apartment.”

“But you have a roommate.”

“Nope, she’ll be out by then. I’m calling her.”

Royce exchanged a glance with Susan and shrugged. They could count on Tracy to organize Kasem’s life and get him off their back.

“So we’ll have a wedding in a week,” Lillian started. “We can organize—“

“No, you won’t. It’ll be a very private one,” Susan specified. “Just me and the man I love.”

“A perfect wedding.” Royce kissed her cheek.

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