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“Marry me because I love you too much to let you go.” He pulled her closer to him as if to prove he couldn’t let her go.

“No, I cannot marry you. You still hate me.”

With knitted brows, he shook his head. “I don’t hate you. But I admit I don’t understand you sometimes. But now I have seen you here.”

“I am no different from when you came into my office for a loan, Mathias,” she assured him, knowing that any talk of that loan set him off. But right now, she was buckling under the pressure, and him storming off would release it.

His words made her want to say yes and jump into his arms, but she couldn’t. Not yet. It had only been a few days ago that he had rejected not only her but the baby she carried. They had things to work out before she could let herself give in to him completely.

“You might not be, but I am. All I saw that day was a cool, confident woman that had a set of nice breasts. Have I ever told you how much l have always liked those?” He looked down at them. How he thought that she could miss his constant attention to that part of her body, she didn’t know.

“But not someone you liked,” she reminded him.

“But every time I saw you, every time I got to know you more, I liked you more and more. When I made you work on the farm, I wanted to see you run. I wanted to show myself that you didn’t belong there, but everything you did proved again and again that I was completely wrong about you.”

“The baby will love the farm; you do not have to worry about that.” She looked away from him, not wanting to have him see how much she wanted to be there too. But not wanting to force his hand.

“Tess Thorn, I don’t want the baby to love the farm. I don’t care about the baby.”

“O-okay,” she stammered.Now what? He didn’t even want the baby anymore?

“Wait, that didn’t come out right. I wantyouthere, Tess. Not just for the baby, though I really like the idea of you carrying our baby. Fuck, I love that you’re carrying our baby, that we’re having a baby together.” He grabbed her and spun her around, pressing her to the fence. “We are going to name her after you.”

“Mathias, stop.” She laughed at his antics and pushed at his shoulders.

He started kissing her neck. “Not until you say you will move in with me.”

“It is too soon.” Her fingers curled into his shirt, unable to push him away like always.

“Too soon? We only have six months to prepare for our princess, woman, and I can’t sleep without you anymore. I need you there. Plus, your brothers have been teaching me Russian, so I can understand you when you come.” He cupped her butt and lifted her off the ground, still pressing her to the fence but rubbing her with his erection enough to make her hot.

“You are acting crazy. Put me down,” she said but didn’t mean it. This is where she wanted to be forever, in Mathias’s arms, with the smell of nature surrounding them.

“I am crazy in love with you. Tell me you at least like me a little.” His eyes looked into hers.

Cupping his face and running her thumbs over his lips, she whispered, “Yes, Mathias, I love you. Oh, so much.”

“This time in Russian,” he whispered, and when she said it, he groaned, “Marry me, Tess Thorn from the bank, and say those words to me every day until I die.”

“No, it is too soon for marriage. We barely get along sometimes.” She nipped at his neck, inhaling the smell that was all him.

“I should have asked you when I asked for the loan.” He shifted so his hands could slip under her borrowed sweatshirt.

“I would have said no, just like with the loan.” She giggled as his fingers ran over her ribs.

“No, you would have said it was too soon, but then now you would have been ready.” He kissed her lips. “But you are as stubborn as your mama, so I will have to wear you down.”

“Wear away, Mathias, wear away.”


The church was stifling hot,and Tess was sure she was going to pass out at any moment. Math wasn’t helping at all by insisting that he hold her hand and press his leg into hers. It was like the heat didn’t affect him at all. But maybe it didn’t because he wasn’t pregnant!

“We should get married here,” Math said ever so casually. It was what he said nearly every Sunday when they attended church since getting back from New Paris.

“I prefer my church.” She shifted away from him and his intense heat.

He perked up and scooted back into her. “So, you will marry me finally?”
