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“I think you’re up to it.”

Her shirt fluttered to the floor, and his hands went to release her breasts from the dark red bra that held them in. “On the desk or here?”

“Here, the desk is too far away.” She replied quickly, not wanting to wait as long as the five steps would take.

“I love you, Ruth Kennedy,” he said as his lips finally kissed hers. She would have said those words too, but her mouth was too busy for a long time.

Behind her back a loud pounding shook the door, making Ruth groan in something other than pleasure. Who was so desperate to see her they would interrupt this important moment? Office sex that she had been wanting for what seemed like forever.

After the door knob moved, but since she and Anderson were leaning against it, the door didn’t move. It didn’t matter because Mia through the door yelled, “Ruth, we have an emergency, it’s Tess. I need a master story teller for this.

Meeting Anderson’s eyes, she cleared her throat and tried to sound normal, “Can it wait?”

“No, we have to get the gossip started now. I need your help.” Mia admitted, and Ruth wished she could see her face when she admitted it.

“One minute.” She promised as her she met Anderson’s smile.

“Your friends need you, Ruth.” He said, and brushed his thumb over her cheek.

He was right. Once upon a time, not that long ago, Mia would never have thought of asking Ruth anything. Now she was in her office asking for help, or maybe it was more like demanding. If there was anything that would make her leave Anderson right now it was to help her friends.

“We will continue this later.” She promised as she pushed him away and straightened her clothes, hoping Mia didn’t realize what they were doing.

“I will hold you to that promise.” Anderson winked as he opened the door to let Mia rush inside, already talking about what trouble Tess had gotten into today. It didn’t matter, she was there for whatever it was. Always.
