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Damien slid hangers around until stopping on one.

"This is perfect," he murmured, as he pulled the hanger off the rack and turned to me. He held the dress up for my inspection and waited. The look on his face told me that if I didn't approve of the dress he might murder me right here in my ginormous, outrageous closet, consequences be damned.

The dress was far more conservative and plain than I had imagined he'd ever pick for me. It was a long-sleeved black number. The skirt flared out at the hips and stopped mid-thigh, which was my only complaint because it was a little on the short side. There were white cuffs at the sleeves and a white collar at the neck. It was remarkably plain and yet I liked it a whole lot. It looked like something a witch would wear for a night out, and it had the added bonus of covering up the scars along my collar bones. I didn't want them on view tonight for the Council to stare at, that was the last thing I needed right now.

"I like it," I told him honestly, and felt slightly bad for him when his shoulders slumped and he tipped his head back to the ceiling to mutter under his breath, "Thank fuck. Shekillsme with this crap."

I reached out and plucked the dress out of his hands.

He looked me in the eyes and said in a sad voice, "Please, no Chucks tonight."

And with that he stormed out of the closet, the black silk robe he wore billowing out behind him like a cape. I was willing to bet that robe had been a gift from Dash, I had one just like it.

So much for getting to pick out my own shoes tonight. I would have gone with my black and white Chucks if he hadn't said anything. They were comfortable and worked well with pretty much anything. I figured they'd go just fine with the dress, maybe even give the whole look a bit of an edge.

"Oh, and, Ariel," Damien called from the doorway. I turned to look at him, raising an eyebrow in question. "Don't try to cover up your scar." He lifted a hand and waved it gracefully around in front of his cheek. "I've grown rather fond of your face and that includes the scar you wear on it. You try to cover it up and it's going to piss me off."

And with that he really was gone.

Damien could be incredibly sweet at times, he just chose not to show that side of him to many people. I was one of the lucky ones who got to see it.

I wore a small, secret smile on my face as I dropped the towel that I'd wrapped around my body after getting out of the shower. I slipped into a pair of black, lacy panties and matching bra. I pulled the dress over my head and moved to the tall, heavy stand up mirror on the floor in the corner of the closet.

I stared at my reflection in the mirror, tilting my head to the side to study myself.

I had dried my hair in the bathroom because of its length, because I didn't want to get the shoulders on whatever outfit Dame picked out for me wet. The ash blonde locks fell in loose waves around my face, flowing over my shoulders and down to my breasts. My green eyes were beautiful, even I could admit that, but they held a wealth of pain and sadness that I could never seem to get rid of, no matter how much I tried.

As my eyes raked over my figure in the dress Damien had picked out for me, I realized he'd done good, damn good, because I looked right in that dress. It suited me and was something I wouldn't feel uncomfortable in.

I bypassed my Chucks on the floor and reached for a pair of plain black Mary Jane's and slipped my feet into them. They were soft and comfortable, I'd never worn them before.

Normally, I would not take a purse with me because I'd be able to shove whatever I wanted to carry inside a hoodie pocket. But I needed a purse tonight so I could have a place to keep my cell phone in. I'd leave it home, but needed it with me so I could spam Rain with text messages all night long.

My father was not happy about having to be left at home while we all went off without him, and had made me promise I would text him every half an hour. It seemed a lot like karma if you asked me. Nobody was asking my opinion on anything though.

I found a cute black purse on one of the shelves. I had never seen it before in my life and certainly hadn't bought it for myself, but it's something I would have picked out for myself if I could have afforded it. Now that I had money I never actually needed to spend it on anything except for gas and sometimes food if I was alone when I stopped to get it.

I stuffed my things in the small purse and flung the strap over my shoulder.

I turned the light out in the closet as I walked out, doing the same when I left my bedroom behind.

I weaved my way through the maze of hallways until I hit the stairs and walked down them. I expected to find everyone at the foot of the stairs waiting for me, but the foyer was empty and devoid of human life.

Binx sat at the foot of the steps, watching my descent with wide, green eyes and a swishing tail.

"Hey, fur ball," I greeted as I stepped off the stairs. I bent over and gave him a little scratch on the head. I half expected him to hiss at me because he'd been absent lately and I assumed he was still mad at me for locking him up in my Rover, and was pleasantly surprised when he leaned into my touch. "Miss you too, kitty kitty."

I gave him one last pat on the head before standing up and moving in the direction of the kitchen, in the direction of masculine voices.

Binx followed along beside me, trying to trip me up as he kept rubbing his little head against my ankle.

I found them all in the kitchen, huddled around the island. Some of them were standing and others were seated on the stools. None of them noticed me approaching, their focus firmly fixed on something in the center of the island.

I moved up beside Tyson who stood at the end of the island. I trailed my fingers lightly down his spine and he jumped, whipping around to face me.

"Girl, shit," he said breathlessly. "You scared me."

I grinned at him. They could usually always feel me coming, so it was good to get one up on him for once.

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