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He smiled sweetly at me. It looked sad on his too tired face.

"I'm sure they didn't point it out because it didn't feel right to check you out after everything you've just gone through and having just woken up from your healing sleep. They were being respectful of your nudity. We all were because you deserve at least that much from us. I know we are a lot for you to handle sometimes, and it's a wonder to me how well you've adjusted to this new life you've been thrust into, but you need to remember that, at the end of the day, you're the most important thing in all of our lives. They'd never treat you like anything other than a princess. And they would never take advantage of you in the state you were in when you first woke up."

He shrugged his shoulders casually, like this was all so normal when it absolutely was not. Maybe I had no idea what normal was anymore.

"And, like I originally said, we've all seen you naked before. Is it a pretty sight? Absolutely. Do we all wanna see more of it? You bet your sweet ass we do. But was now the time for that? Nah, definitely not, so they all ignored it for your sake."

I relaxed. I must have really scared him, because I had never known Quint to not take advantage of a situation where I was concerned.

Then he went and ruined the moment by saying, "Now, if it had been just the two of us I wouldn't have hesitated getting my mouth on those pretty pink nipples of yours. My dick is semi hard just thinking about it."

"Only semi?" I questioned in a mock, outraged voice. "I'm heartbroken." I pulled the sheet back and took a peek down at my bare breasts. "You girls are seriously not working right if we can't even get a full-on chubby out of him. Maybe I should come up with a spell to make you babies a whole cup size bigger."

Quinton's mouth dropped open in shock before throwing his head back and bursting out in laughter. He wrapped his arms around his middle as his entire body shook with laughter.

I smiled proudly at him, ecstatic at being the reason he was laughing so hard. It must have been therapeutic of a sort, because I could see the stress and worry visibly melt off of him every second his laughter filled the room.

Playfully, I shoved him in the shoulder and must have put more strength behind it than I had planned, because it caught him completely off guard and he fell off the bed. His laughter died a sudden death as he very ungracefully crashed to the floor.

My mouth popped open as my eyes rounded in shock. I covered my mouth with the hand not clutching the sheet to my chest. I didn’t want him to see me laughing at him despite the fact he'd just laughed his butt off at me.

Quinton stared up at me from his place on the floor looking as wide-eyed and innocent as I had ever seen him. The look on his face is what did it for me, and my shoulders shook with silent laughter.

"Christ," he muttered under his breath as he ran his hand over his short, brown hair in agitation. "Everything with you is fucking out of control."

I snorted. This couldn't be blamed entirely on me, I wasn't interested in taking all the blame here. If he hadn't laughed at me in the first place he wouldn't be on the floor sulking like a baby right now.

"Don't put this on me," I said through my laughter. "You're the pervert who started this by talking about my boobies."

"Boobies," he repeats on an angry sounding huff. "Fucking unbelievable."

I giggled hysterically into my hand. That word didn’t sound right coming out of his mouth. It hadn't even sounded right coming out of my own stupid mouth the first time around.

He pushed himself to his feet, stormed around the bed, and stalked toward the door.

"I'm going to bed," he snapped at me. "I honestly cannot handle anymore of your outrageous bullshit right now. Don't leave the house without someone being with you, eat something, and put on some damn clothes so you aren't tempting everyone who crosses your path that isn't your goddamned father."

I watched his ass in his tight pair of blue jeans as he stomped toward the door. It wasn't nearly as round or plump as the twins, but it wasn't exactly lacking in the handful department either. And it looked firm.

"Stop staring at my ass, baby," he purred without looking back to see if that's what I really was doing or not.

Instead of being embarrassed, I went with amused. This whole episode since waking up had been far, far too weird, even for me.

"Just so you know," I called out in a perky voice as he made it to the door, "it's not going to bother me in the slightest if you have sex with Julian tonight. Next time, though, I want to watch."

His steps faltered. He turned back to glare at me while reaching for the doorknob. He slammed the door shut behind him without a reply.

I didn't need a reply. His reaction alone told me he wasn't having sex with Julian.

I groaned as I flopped back onto the bed. I was still just as confused as ever and didn't understand what the whole thing between Damien and Julian even meant.

"He better not be even thinking about having sex with Julian," Damien grumbled from the opposite side of the bed. "Outside of you and me, Julian's got no business getting physical with anyone else. Not unless he asks for permission first."

Slowly, my head turned in his direction, my eyes felt as wide as saucers.

Dash's eyes were wide open and staring at me. He had a small, secret smile on his lips, like he knew exactly what was going on here and how'd I'd react to it. He was enjoying this far too much for me, just like Quinton had before I'd shoved his ass off the bed.

Dash winked at me and I rolled my eyes at him.

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