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I had a feeling Dash saw my scars differently than other people did though, since he had so many of his own.

His gaze dropped to his hands, where they were trailing across my skin.

His hands moved back up my neck and he cupped the back of my head, his fingers threading through my hair.

"You're a little warrior," he murmured, as his eyes fixated on my lips. "My girl, my warrior. My savior."

I squirmed, uncomfortable with the words coming out of his mouth. I was no warrior, and I certainly wasn’t anybody’s savior and never would be. Most days I could barely take care of myself.

"It was hot, you know?" he commented, and my eyes shot to his to see they'd heated with what could only be described as lust. "I bet I wasn't the only one who thought it was hot too. In fact, I bet the only person who didn't was Rain. Quinton's probably so pissed right now because I get to be in here with you and he's stuck out there doing clean up with Rain."

"I don't think now is a good time to talk about QuintonorRain," I said as my eyes dropped down to his lips.

"Come here," he ordered.

I happily complied, scooting over until I was melded up against his warm body. I wrapped my leg around his hip as his lips brushed softly against mine. My fingers went to his short, red hair at the top of his head and I dug them in. His beard tickled my face as his tongue invaded my mouth, and he kissed me like I was the only thing in his world that mattered at the moment and he'd die if he didn't get to keep kissing me.

He groaned as his free hand slid around my shoulders and down. His grip on my hair tightened and he tilted my head to the side, deepening the kiss.

I moaned into his mouth as his hand slid down my back, underneath my sleep shorts and panties, and he cupped my behind in his palm.

I felt him harden against my inner thigh and fought the urge to rub myself shamelessly against it. Dash had the same thought it seemed, because he squeezed my ass as his arm pressed into me, and he rolled us over so he was on top of me. His knee went into the mattress and he used his thighs to spread my legs apart.

I wrapped my legs around his hips as he ground his hardness against me.

I clung to his hair, holding him tightly against my mouth, tangling my tongue with his in what felt like the best kiss of my whole life.

I cried out in protest when his mouth left mine to trail kisses down my jaw toward my neck. He made his way down my neck, trailing kisses that burned all the way down the column of my throat, and then across my collarbone.

Anybody else kissing me there and it would have been a huge turn off, but things between Dash and me were different, and I completely forgot all about my scars and lost myself in the feel of his lips moving across my skin.

His hand slid up my sides, taking my tank top with them as they moved up my ribs. I shivered as his rough hands roamed over my bare skin, leaving a blaze of heat in their path. I loved that strange heat so much, it was comforting to me, and it immediately felt like it pooled between my legs at my core whenever they touched me and it lingered behind. I didn't think I'd ever be able to be intimate with another person again who didn't have magic, because I craved that heat so much. I didn't know how the guys who'd slept around with normal humans pulled it off. I knew I wouldn't be able to do it.

Maybe it was different for guys. Especially if they were man-whores.

Dash's hands spread out just below my breasts and the tank top went up no farther.

His mouth moved down and he kissed his way across the top of my breasts that were exposed.

"Dash," I panted as his mouth moved down farther and, over my tank top, he sucked one of my nipples into his mouth.

Someone banged on the door and he immediately released my nipple and sat back. He looked down at me with eyes that burned with passion.

He bit his bottom lip as he ground his erection against me again. I sucked in a shuddering breath as pleasure spiked through me and I couldn't stop the whimper that escaped me.

A fist banged against the door again as Quinton yelled, "Goddamnit. Open this fucking door right now. Rain is downstairs and he is so pissed he looks like he's going to tear the whole place apart with his bare hands. He's demanding to see Ariel and refusing to leave until he does. Apparently Marcus joined the Council and Rain is freaking out. I need you to open the door, Dash, and let Ariel out of there. I need her to come downstairs and handle Rain before he loses his shit and we all end up fucked because of it."

Dash immediately backed off of me and flopped down on his back on the bed. His hands went to his face where he pressed his palms into his eyes.

"Shit," he muttered. "This is bad. So, so bad."

"Not really," I told him and he immediately lowered his hands from his face to stare at me.

"What do you mean, not really?"

"I already knew about Marcus," I shared. "He told me. It's really not a big deal."

Dash opened and closed his mouth several times like a fish out of water before shouting, "Are you out of your damn mind? Have you forgotten everything you've learned about the Council? And how could you learn something like this and not tell the rest of us?"

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