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I didn't even bother pretending like this didn't cut me. Rain had told me that he had something he needed to take care of today, but his leaving without saying goodbye or so much as leaving me a note to tell me when he would be back really hurt me.

And it wasn't like Quinton to leave me without saying goodbye or at least barking some kind of orders out at me first.

This did not sit right with me.

"He'll either come back or he won't, Ariel." Dash told me something I already knew. "You can't force a person to be in your life, and you can't force a person to love you. You just have to give it time and see which way he goes. Worrying over it and stressing yourself out needlessly will get you nowhere, and only serve to make you feel worse about everything that's going on."

I sighed.

I knew he was right, down to my bones I knew it to be true. Dash was always very wise when it came to everything. I think it had a lot to do with his past experiences that made him patient and wise. He was incredibly kind once you got to know him, but before that he came off as a complete dick who was cold and never smiled. He wasn't cold anymore and he smiled when I was around.

"Pretty girl," one of the twins said quietly. I never could tell the difference between their voices and who was speaking unless I was looking at them when they spoke.

I turned my head towards the table as I raised the coffee cup to my lips.

"Yes," I said before taking a huge gulp of coffee. It only burned a little bit going down. Score one for me. I would have drunk it scalding hot, that was how much I liked my caffeine.

Addison's incredible blue eyes focused on me. "There's nothing you can do about it now. Worrying is a waste of your time. Nothing good will come of it."

"He will be back," said the same exact voice but from a different person. I jerked and met Abel's bright green gaze.

"He will be back," Abel stated firmly. "You are amazing, don't ever doubt that. He's spent countless years searching for you. No way he's going to finally get to you just to jump ship the very next day and never return. He'll be back. You need to put him out of your mind and focus on something else or you're going to drive yourself crazy."

"I can help with that, actually," Dash said smugly.

"How so?" Addison asked him.

"We have a client coming out here tomorrow, and the house needs to be cleaned today."

My eyes widened at hearing this news. Which was not good news for me to be hearing. I had been here once before when a client had been here, and it hadn't ended well. I had called her an asshole (because she was one!) and she'd slapped me across the face. It hadn't been a fun experience for me, and I knew it had pissed off both Dash and Quinton to the extreme.

Since then Quinton had been having clients meet at his house for business. He hadn't even entertained the notion of them coming back here because I had moved in, and I didn't think he wanted them around me after that first go with it. He was overprotective like that.

I didn't want to go another round with another lady who was only here for the eye candy and didn't like me because I was pretty and hanging around.

I was a little disturbed by this, though. The guys made money off of the clients that came to see them, and I thought it was a great deal of money or they wouldn't have bothered with them in the first place. I was causing them to lose out on money, and that was never a good thing, especially when I was living here rent free and people kept buying me things. They needed that cash intake (or, so I was telling myself), and I was the only reason they weren't receiving it.

"I could clean," I murmured.

That didn't exactly mean I wanted to do it, but I would help out and do my part. I did live here, after all. But, I didn't really understand what he thought needed cleaning. The house was by no means dirty. It wasn't spotless, either, because of the damn cat and his hair that seemed to somehow fall off of him to the point he should have been bald, but in actuality didn't look like he ever lost any of it. It was bizarre, I tell you. If I lost that much hair I would have giant bald spots all over my head.

"We will help you clean," one of the twins agreed with me.

I thought that odd since they didn't live here, so why should they be offering to help clean up a house they didn't even live in? I didn't get it. In fact, I wondered what they were even doing here at all, especially so early in the morning.

I sought out the clock on the stove and choked on my coffee.

"It's almost eight." I rushed out. "It's a weekday. Shouldn't the two of you be getting ready for school? Why are you here? You should be at the big house right now."

Now that I thought about it, I didn't think either of the twinsorTy were going to school anymore. When I'd almost run Tyson over, it had been early morning, and he should have been in class at the time, but wasn't. And, I remembered Quinton saying the twins had been home during that time as well.

"Why aren't you both going to school anymore?" I asked before either of them could answer my first round of questions.

I hoped it hadn't had anything to do with my quitting school, because I didn't think Quinton would take that kindly, and he would eventually take that out on me or give me a stern talking to because of it. A talking to I would very much like to avoid, if at all possible.

"We only went to school because that's what you were doing," one of the twins said and my body jerked at his words and I almost dropped my coffee cup.

"What?" I whispered.

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