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"Are you blind?" Julian asked. "All you have to do is look at him to know who he is. She looks just like him, only pretty."

The front door banged against the wall again and footsteps thundered through the house as more people raced towards the kitchen.

I sighed loud and heavily.

We were only missing Quinton and the Salt and Pepper twins, and there was more than one set of footsteps coming down the hallway, so I figured it was all three of them. I wasn't looking forward to dealing with Quinton, not when I still thought he might have lied to me. Not even just me, but all of us.

"Of course I'm not blind," Damien said in that haughty voice. "You're standing right there looking at me while I'm looking right at him. Just tell me who he is already."

I sighed again, and Damien's hand slid out from under my hand and curved around to my back. He started rubbing smooth, slow circles into my back. I wasn't sure who he was trying to comfort more, me or him. I appreciated the gesture, though. He probably even knew why I'd sighed so loudly. We all knew what was coming. He just didn't know why I was wound so tight about it.

"What the fuck is this?" Quinton rumbled out as his energy burst into the room. "Rain? What are you doing here?"

That did it. He sounded like the odd man in the room was familiar to him, like he had a right to ask him a question, and since they were friends or whatever the hell it was they had going on, he thought Rain would simply answer his question.

I pushed Dash's hand away from my head as I sat up straight. I flung my hair back behind my head and was happily surprised when I didn't feel woozy and there were no spots in my vision. Score one point for Ariel and not blacking out and falling down and injuring myself again, this time in front of Quinton.

Quinton had stopped just inside the doorway. He crossed his arms over his chest as his eyes roamed over the room, taking everything in.

Abel and Addison stopped behind him, standing slightly in the hallway. They didn't rush in and to my side, and that surprised me.

"Why do you sound like you know him?" Addison asked in a suspicious voice, and I relaxed against Dash and Damien who still had me in between them. The twins hadn't pushed Quinton to the side and come in because they weren't sure how they felt about him just yet, and didn't like what he'd said when he'd walked in ahead of them. They were being cautious, and I couldn't blame them.

"I met Rain the other night," Quinton said casually as he moved further into the room.

My mouth wasn't the only one that dropped open at his announcement.

"You what?" I asked in a hushed whisper.

I was going to kill him. He knew how desperately I had been searching for Rain, and what it was costing me. Which, now that I thought of it, explained why I had passed out when I'd started bleeding, and why I was still getting the spotty vision. I needed to stop losing blood for a little while, or I was going to end up in the hospital or something equally as horrifying.

Quinton frowned at me, and I didn't think he'd liked the tone of my voice.

"You're mad," he said quietly. "And at me. Why are you mad at me?"

He had to be kidding me.

"Why?" I asked quietly. My voice wasn't quite the whisper it had been at first, but it wasn't loud, either. I shook my head sharply, and my hair flew around my face. "When did you meet him, Quinton? If it was the other day, like you say, then it happened before our phone conversation this morning. A conversation, I might add, where you seemed to have forgotten to tell me that you met up with my long lost biological father. You know, the one I've been cutting my arms all up and bleeding into a bowl trying to find? And you know,you damn well know, Quinton, that I have been becoming more miserable by the day. And you met himdays agoand didn't think to tell me when you talked to me? Better question, why didn't you," I leaned forward and jabbed a finger angrily in his direction, "fucking call meas soon as you met him?" I ended on an angry hiss, and I was proud of myself because I didn't once raise my voice, and the lights didn't even flicker.

"She just swore, twice." Abel said in a happy voice as he moved further into the room. "I love it when she starts getting feisty."

"I heard, twin." Addison said, and he moved up to stand beside his brother. He didn't sound happy in the slightest, and his eyes never once left Rain as he talked and moved.

Addison was my Salt twin because his hair was so blonde it bordered on being white, and often times he was more serious than his brother could be. They seemed to only have three moods. Playful, happy and serious. Serious was never fun when they brought it out. I preferred them to be playful and happy.

They were very weird and sort of fed off of each other’s energy. And they did everything together. They were seventeen and lived with Quinton and Tyson because both their parents had died in a horrible plane crash that had gone down over an ocean. One of them had died when the plane went down, and the other one had survived only to then be eaten alive by sharks. Abel had a serious phobia of water because of it, and he had constant nightmares that I didn't think were only about his dead parents. He was also afraid of the dark, and I had at first thought that might have been the reason they shared a bedroom together. Addison was very overprotective when it came to his twin, and he would never leave him alone, especially when he was afraid. I knew differently now. They shared everything with each other and never wanted to be far from their other half. They'd even told me a couple times that eventually they would share me. It still made me blush when they talked like that, and I didn't think I'd ever stop, but I wasn't bothered by it anymore. Being between them didn't bother me anymore, instead, it felt natural, normal even, and how it was just supposed to be with them.

They were my Salt and Pepper twins, and I couldn't have one without the other. It just seemed wrong.

"Met him in my dreams, Ariel," Quinton said into the quiet room. "I told him where he could find you. I was going to tell you all about it, but I didn't want to do it over the phone, and I hadn't expected him to just show up here out of the blue. I thought I had more time to tell you. I'm so sorry it came out like this."

"Did he just apologize?" Abel stage whispered. "Why doesn't he ever apologize to me when he's in the wrong?"

No one laughed, but I appreciated his attempt to lighten the mood. It looked like I was the only one.

"You should have told me right away," I told Quinton.

I sighed and leaned against Dash's side. Damien made an unhappy sound and followed behind me, leaning into my knees and my side. My eyes widened in surprise, but I didn't say anything. If he wanted to get nice and snuggly close that was alright by me. I bit the inside of my lower lip painfully. I would not make this awkward for Damien and scare him off. I wouldn't do it. Nope. Not gonna open my mouth and say anything weird. Not this time.

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