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I had also learned that he rambled when he was nervous, and somehow, someway, I had made him nervous. Once I had actually spent some time with just him, it had made me like him just a little bit, and I was almost eager to spend more time with him so I could get to know him more.

Ariel: No plans. What did you have in mind?

I seriously hoped him asking me if I was free meant he wanted to spend time with me and not because it was expected of him. If he wanted to know if I was free so I could stop on by and wash his laundry, we were both going to be seriously disappointed. Him because I often times bleached things that weren't white, and probably didn't need bleach, and I was always unaware of it until after the fact when everything was covered in white splotches. It had always made me happy that Vivian had gotten my clothes from the thrift stores. I would have felt a whole lot worse if I were ruining things that had cost a fortune. As for me? I would have been disappointed, because I genuinely wanted to get to know him better and spend more time with him. And I didn't want to spend that time doing laundry with him or for him.

In my hands the phone vibrated, and I eagerly read the text. I was happy there was no one around to see just how eager I was, it would have embarrassed me.

Damien: I want it to be a surprise if that's cool with you.

Huh. Now that piqued my curiosity.

Now that I wasn't with Vivian the fake mother, I was learning new things about myself every day, and one of the things I had learned about myself recently was that I didn't enjoy waiting for information. I was more into instant gratification. But I wasn't willing to tell Damien to spill the beans simply because I had no patience and wanted him to give me what I wanted exactly when I wanted it.

All my years with Vivian had taught me that men, as a whole, weren't into women who demanded things from them and expected them to bend to their every need. I knew that it probably had a whole lot to do with the men Vivian had hung around with, but that was all I had to go by. Marcus had been in a breed all his own, and I didn't think he counted in the long run. Unfortunately for the rest of the female population, Marcus Cole wasn't the norm when it came to men, or, at least that had been my experience.

I texted back what amounted to a lie, even though I was totally into going wherever with him whenever he wanted me to. I just didn't enjoy surprises. So, sue me.

Ariel: What time were you thinking?

I left it at that even though I had a whole slew of other questions to ask him. Where are we going was out, and that seemed like the most important one at the moment.

I thought about asking what I should wear, but this was Damien, and that made that particular question dangerous for my sanity. I didn't ask, because it meant I would still be here hours later while he went over every single thing he'd bought for me until he got to what he thought was a good outfit for me to wear on whatever adventure he had decided we were going on tomorrow night.

My phone vibrated again.

Damien: Pick you up around 8?

It would be dark out by the time eight rolled around, and darkness meant colder weather. I didn't ask any of the five hundred questions his response stirred in me.

Instead, I sent a simple text that said one word.

Ariel: Sure.

But, in reality, I wasn't so sure.

At least he didn't give me a whole lot of time to overthink it.

Damien: We will be outside, so please be sure to wear warm clothes. If you want, I can come over early and help you pick out something to wear?

Yeah, I so did not need help picking out what clothes I needed to wear. That was ridiculous. I knew how to dress for colder, nighttime weather. I didn't need assistance. No matter that Damien had actually bought almost my entire wardrobe for me; I could pick out my own clothes, thank you very much. They usually even matched, too. Goody for me.

Ariel: No, that's okay. Unless you really want to?


I silently cursed myself.


I should not have invited him to come and pick out my clothes. Never, ever should I have done that.

I groaned as my phone vibrated once again.

I had to check the text, I couldn't help myself.

Damien: Would love to! That sounds great! I will be over tomorrow at 7, then.

"Fuck my life," I muttered in horror as I lowered the phone to my lap. I was not looking forward to an hour of Damien looking through every single thing I had in an attempt to find the perfect outfit for me, when he could have simply let me know what to wear right from the beginning, and I would have for sure put it on without hesitation in hopes of avoiding such a situation as this one.

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