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Then it hit me.

Oh man.

The only person who had kissed me was his Uncle. How would he know if Quinton had kissed me? I hadn’t told a single person.

My heart skipped a beat.

Had Quinton gone home after sticking his tongue in my mouth and told the others about it? My cheeks instantly heated, and I knew my face was flaming in embarrassment. I would kill him, and he certainly wouldn’t be kissing me anymore. Not if he went and told all of his friends.

“I… I…” I stammered. I had no idea how to explain this to Tyson.

“He did, didn’t he?” Tyson whispered in awe. “That son of a bitch. He’s been a smug bastard for days and I couldn’t figure out why. What did he have to be smug about? What did he have that the rest of us didn’t? I figured it had something to do with you. Sitting here with you, watching your pretty face, wanting to kiss you… I figured it out, he kissed you and that’s what he’s been so smug about.”

I put my hands up to my face and pressed them against my cheeks, trying to cool them off. My face was on fire. At least I knew now that Quinton hadn’t told anybody.

But… Wait. Tyson kept saying he. Did he even mean Quinton?

“Uh…” I said as I moved my hands away from my flaming face. I licked my suddenly dry lips and asked, “He who?”

His lips parted in genuine surprise.

“Has there been more than one?” He asked in a strangled voice. “Have you been kissing more than my Uncle?”

“No,” I exclaimed. “And it was just the one time. How did you know?”

“I told you, he’s been so damn smug. And he walks around with this stupid knowing smile on his face, like he’s got a secret and he’s laughing at the rest of us. The twins think you had sex with him, but I knew better. You’re not ready for sex but I could totally see my Uncle sneaking in a kiss or two. He’s pushy and has absolutely no self-control.”

He shook his head and sat back in the love seat with an angry scowl on his face.

Holy crap. The twins thought I had sex with Quinton and they were talking about it with Tyson. That was insane. And absolutely mortifying.

“They think I had sex with Quinton,” I breathed out on a horrified whisper. “Oh my god. We didn’t have sex. I’ve never had sex with anyone.”

“Whoa,” he said in a soothing voice. “Slow down, girl. It’s just the twins and I think it was more wishful thinking on their part.”


Stupefied, I asked, “Why would the twins want me to have sex with Quinton? I don’t understand any of you.”

“We made an agreement between the seven of us. To back off, give you space and to build on making friendships between you and us. It was Quinton’s idea. If he’s telling us one thing, then going and doing the complete opposite of what he told us we were supposed to be doing, then he’s not playing by his own rules and no one else has to, either. All bets are off and you’re fair game.”

I was fair game?

I didn’t like the sound of that. I wasn’t sure what bothered me more, being fair game or them talking about having sex with me.

“You know,” I told him, “I didn’t actually agree to any of this. I didn’t agree to be in your coven and I didn’t agree to having a relationship with any of you.”

Even though all of that was true, I had no intention of ever finding another coven. I had found my place and it was with them, I didn’t want another coven, no matter what. But the relationship thing still bothered me. It was unconventional, not normal, and a few of them didn’t even like me.

“Please, sweetheart,” Tyson’s said in a soft voice, “don’t lie to me. This is your coven and you aren’t going anywhere. You think Uncle Quint is going to let you go now that you let him in there? I don’t think so. He’s just going to keep coming back for more and he’s never going to stop. The twins aren’t ever going to let you leave them. They take family very seriously, and you are family now. The rest of it will all fall into place. You sound like we expect you to jump into bed with all of us tomorrow. That’s not happening. Shit like this takes time. We’re all on board and we all agreed to give you as much time as you needed.”

I sighed and slouched back in the love seat. I didn’t want to talk about this right now. I wanted to shove it to the side and deal with it maybe never.

“Can we hang up my dream catcher now?” I asked in hopeful voice.

He sat forward quickly, snatching the box from my hands. He held the box away from me and out of my reach. His eyes glittered, full of mischief and he smirked at me.

I had a feeling that light in his eyes and the sexy smirk did not bode well for me.

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