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“Hello,” he said sarcastically, “anyone in there?”

That did it. He was simply too much for words and he pushed me too far.

I cocked my arm back and chucked my rock at him. I aimed for his head. His eyes widened in either shock or surprise before the rock smashed into his nose.

I stared at him in open mouthed horror as he bent forward at the waist, clutching at his nose.

“Jesus, fuck,” he yelled.

I took a step back and away from him. I so totally should not have thrown that rock at his head. Not only had it been completely uncalled for but it was just a wee bit on the insane side.

“Fuck,” he snarled as he pulled his hands away from his nose.

I was ashamed and horrified to see blood on his hands. A quick glance at his face showed blood streaming out of his nose.

Oh shit.

Why did I have to lose my temper and throw a rock at him? How stupid was I?

“Nice aim,” a deep, rough voice spoke from behind me.

I whirled around to find Tyson standing not two feet away from me. I blinked at him, slowly, as if I were waking from a dream.

“Wha… what…” I stammered stupidly. Where in the hell had he come from? I hadn’t heard anyone come up behind me.

He smiled at me and it was a good one, a show stopper, if you will. It was a smile I had come to love because it was bright and transformed his face from handsome to incredibly beautiful. Most men couldn’t be described as beautiful but it was the perfect word for Ty when he flashed that smile. It was a smile that showed off his straight, even, white teeth. Teeth that looked like he got them professionally bleached and they practically glowed in the dark.

The hood on his cloak was pulled up over his head, covering his hair and leaving half his face hidden in the dark shadows of the night. The night had made his dark brown eyes look like black orbs sunk into his face. His long, shoulder length dark brown hair spilled out from his hood, curling around his face. It was slightly longer than it had been when I’d seen him last.

Tyson was tall like his Uncle, with broad shoulders and narrow hips. They were both lean, but muscular, built like swimmers. And so very attractive, even Tyson with half his face hidden in shadow was extremely attractive.

“You nailed him a good one,” Tyson muttered proudly around his grin.

I was glad one of us found the fact I’d injured Quinton to be amusing.

“Tell me, sweetheart,” he said, “what did he do to deserve such treatment from you? You’re normally a whole lot nicer than this, and I never dreamed I would see you throwing rocks, of all things, at someone’s head.” At the end, his voice vibrated with laughter.

I frowned at him. “It was only the one rock,” I bit out. “And, he had it coming.” My voice came out angry and slightly sullen instead of angry and mildly confused. Good. I preferred it that way.

Tyson threw back his head and burst out laughing. His hood fell away and his thick brown hair was suddenly on display. He had lovely hair far prettier than my own. Any girl would be jealous. Or hope to one day be privileged enough to be able to run their fingers through those glorious, thick locks whenever the mood to do so struck them. I bet if I asked, he would allow me to do so whenever I felt the urge to do it.

His robe gaped open and I noticed he now wore a pair of black boxer briefs. Where had those come from? Not that I wasn’t thankful for their appearance or anything because I absolutely was.

A warm hand brushed against my hip and I jumped at the sudden contact. I tore my eyes off of Tyson and looked to the side to see Quinton had come up beside me. Thankfully, he’d transferred h

is angry glare to Tyson.

“It’s really not that funny,” Quinton snarled at Tyson.

I was glad to see the blood flow had slowed down to a small trickle. I hoped that meant nothing had been broken by my rash actions.

Tyson stopped laughing and glared back at his Uncle. I wanted to move away from Quinton, away from the both of them and the anger they were radiating.

“Why aren’t you with the others?” Quinton demanded to know.

“Why aren’t you?” Tyson shot back.

“Guys-” I was going to try and be the reasonable one but was very rudely cut off before I could get more than one word out.

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