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Objectively, the sight is adorable. There were plenty of times over the years I tried to convince myself that Paige was the one for me. But that changing our relationship into something romantic never felt right. Then she met Dash, and I knew it would have been a mistake. Paige never looks at me the way she looks at him. And I’m betting I never look at her that way either.

Pretty sure I’ve stared like a lovesick puppy at Luna more than once.

“I’ll ask Dash. He might know the quickest way to her heart.”

“I don’t think Dash is the best source for wooing his sister,” I mutter.

“Why not? He’s the person she’s closest to in the world, far as I can tell.”

“But they’re sibling-close.”

Paige collapses back onto the couch. “I guess. Being an only child sucks. I don’t know what brothers and sisters talk about.”

“I guess what we talk about?”

She shakes her head. “But we talk about relationships. You could give a guy some good pointers on how to woo me.”

I shrug, not so sure about that. Though it shames me to admit, I was judgmental of Dash when he first came into my friend’s life.

Paige had just gotten out of a bad relationship, and I thought she needed to hook up with some random dudes. Not go all gooey-eyed after one with an aloof personality and a criminal record. Seemed to me like she was setting herself up to get hurt.

Couldn’t have been more wrong.

Dash is a stand-up guy.

But that still doesn’t mean I’m going to approach him for advice about romantically pursuing his sister.

The back door opens, and two dogs charge in, tongues lolling and tails wagging. The Lamont siblings follow the hounds. Both brother and sister have flushed faces and rueful expressions.

“Did you work it all out?” Paige asks.

“Sort of.” Dash turns his attention to me, and I suddenly worry he overheard me and is going to start doling out brotherly advice. But no. “You don’t have to do this, Charlie. Seriously.”

Luna rolls her eyes behind his back.

Does he really think she forced me into this?I guess she could have, but no threats were needed for me to attach myself to Luna Lamont.

“I’m happy to help. And it’s not like I’m getting nothing out of the deal.” I get to spend an entire year around this captivating woman. “I have a living place, rent-free.”

Dash snorts and rubs a hand over his face. “Okay. Fine. You’re adults and all that.”

“Exactly,” Luna adds, probably just to piss her brother off, and by his renewed scowl, it works.

“Right,” Paige agrees. “What Charlie and Luna do in their marriage bed is their business.”

Luna balks. “What? No! We’re just partners. That’s all.”

“Oh, yes. Duh. You said that already. Guess I forgot. Who wants to order pizza?”

Paige pulls her phone out of her back pocket, presumably to call up the food menu. She may seem unaware of the way she shocked the room, but my guess is my awkward friend knew exactly what she was doing.

Planting a few thoughts. Letting the seeds grow.

Acting as the wing woman to help me woo my wife.



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