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“Would you?” The words are a garbled growl of hope.

Summer rises to her knees, staring down at me with a teasing smirk as she reaches out to fiddle with the stud in my ear. “Hmm. Maybe for a special occasion.”

“Christmas?” It’s the closest special day I can think of.

Summer bounces and claps. “Yes! That is the perfect holiday for sneaking into someone’s house. You won’t know if I’m Santa or a mistress of the night!”

Chunky jolly man with a beard vs my gorgeous librarian?

“I think I’ll be able to tell.”

“You never know.” She traces a finger down my sternum. “I’ve always imagined Santa as a very sexy mythical being.”

Guess I’m not her normal type.

“Do you have Santa fantasies?”

“I mean, he’s basically a lumberjack who hands out gifts. Who wouldn’t want to fuck that guy?”

Any guy Summer wants to fuck, is the guy I want to be.


“Okay?” She tilts a brow. “You want to fuck Santa?”

I suppress a snort and keep my face serious. No matter how weird her kink is, I never want Summer to feel bad about it. She’s the most upbeat, supportive person I’ve ever met. Anyone who shits on her dreams deserves a fist to the face.

“No. But if you dress up as a vampire, I’ll dress up as Santa.”

Summer leans over me, her fingers digging into my bare chest, eyes sparking with lust. “You would do that for me?”

I would do anything for you.

But I keep that to myself.

“There are weirder kinks. I’m not exactly the right build though.” I glance down at my slim, slightly underfed body.

“I’m not looking for the belly.” Is she panting? “You find the outfit and call me a ho, and I will demolish you. You’ll want to relocate to the North Pole and pretend it’s Christmas year-round.”

This is the weirdest conversation I think I’ve ever had, and I spent years in prison. I never thought I’d be hard as a rock and laughing. Gripping her soft body to me, I roll us both until Summer is pinned under me. This is my new favorite place: nestled between her spread thighs.

She stretches her arms up, then wraps them around my neck. There’s a tease of her nails scratching the hair at the nape of my neck. My whole body tingles in response, and I stretch, loving the satisfying crack of a few of my joints.

“Guess we have a deal.” To seal it, I press a hot kiss against her lips. Then I give in to the urge to tease her. “But only if you’re good. Santa doesn’t just slide into anyone’s chimney.” I pair the image with a slow thrust into her warm, tight pussy.

“But I don’t want to be good.” Summer pouts, shaking her head. Her heels dig into my ass, pulling me hard against her. Lips and hot breath brush against my ear just before her words. “Put me on your naughty list. I want someColein my stocking.”

There’s a deliciously sharp sting on my shoulder paired with her hips rocking.

She bit me.

Chapter Twenty-Eight


My arms ache from shelving all day. Normally there’s more staff around to trade off the duty, but with Christmas Eve tomorrow, a lot of people asked off work.

I’m not resentful. Just sore.
