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“Maybe don’t,” he chuckles.

After waiting for my boyfriend to check out, we walk hand in hand to his truck. I’m settling in the passenger seat when I realize my water bottle is leaking.

“Do you have any napkins?” I ask, popping his glove compartment open.

“Yeah. Should be some in there.”

There’s a hefty amount from a take-out place, and I grab a handful, holding them to the bottom of the bottle. Then my eye catches on something pink. Careful to make sure my hands are dry, I pinch the corner of the item and tug it free of the compartment.

“Happy Valentine’s Day From the Dog,” I read aloud. Then I choke up, realizing what this is.

When my gaze flicks over to Cole’s, he watches me with a half-smirk. “You remember that?”

“Of course I do. But I didn’t know you went back and bought it!” My grin is so wide it hurts my cheeks.

He shrugs, his smile showing teeth now. “It was our first Valentine’s Day. The first day I was honest about how I felt. I wanted to remember it.”

With numb fingers, I reach into my purse. One thing I always have on me is a book, and I pull out the cozy mystery I checked out the other day. Cole watches my hands as I flip open to the last page I stopped on. My place is marked with a well-worn Valentine’s Day card.

“I wanted to remember it, too,” I say.

Cole leans to my side of the truck, capturing my mouth in a hot kiss. When he breaks away, there’s barely space between us for breath.

“You know, February fourteenth is next week,” he points out.

Another holiday spent together. But can it possibly live up to this past Christmas, when I found Cole in his very own Santa suit, waiting for me beside a decorated tree?

My thighs tighten at the memory.

Maybe he would be willing to sport the outfit as a special gift to round out the night. But during the day, I already know what I want to do.

My lips stretch in an eager grin. “You trust me to spin you again?”

Rough fingers cup my jaw, tilting my chin up until I gaze into a set of Icelandic blue eyes. I shiver, but not from the cold. The eager quakes in my body are all anticipation.

“There’s no one I trust more.”


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And don’t miss more romance novels like,PAINTING THE LINESby Ashley R King. Turn the page for a sneak peek!

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Sneak Peek of Painting the Lines

By Ashley R. King

Amalie scanned the bar, looking for Romina’s raven hair beneath the dim lights. For a Tuesday night, quite the crowd had gathered inside Oakley’s, a trendy hangout in midtown Atlanta.

“Can I get you something else?” Bryan, the cute bartender, asked with a boyish smile.

Amalie looked at her watch again. Romina was already fifteen minutes late. Tonight of all nights, when Amalie needed her best friend most.

Amalie’s father, mega-billionaire Andrew Warner, had just dropped the hammer with his latest ultimatum, and Amalie needed Romina’s sage advice, help, magic—anythingthat might help her figure out what to do. Her father had been pushing her to work for the family business, something she had no interest in doing. If she didn’t, she’d be disowned and disinherited from the great Warner Hotel fortune. To some that might not be a huge deal, but to Amalie, who had no back-up plan, it was everything.

She sighed and took one last sip of her daiquiri. “No, that’ll be all. Thank you.”

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