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“That fucker Daniel got us into trouble,” Cole corrects.

“Language,” Cole’s father scolds him, even as I watch him take in every inch of his son’s body. Again. I’m glad we were able to wash the blood off our hands. The man doesn’t need a reason for another heart attack.

“Sorry,” Cole murmurs, his eyes flicking to my mother as his cheeks stain red.

“No need to apologize.” My mom glares at the bruises on my arms. “Heisa fucker. He’s also a god damned piece of—”

I barely have time to hop off the hospital bed and clap my hands over Mr. Allemand’s ears before he hears my mom’s tirade. She spends a good minute describing in detail not only how horrible of a person she thinks Daniel is, but also the creative methods of torture she’d use on him if she could convince the police to leave her alone in a room with the security guard.

When she finally peters off, I glance up at Cole’s dad to find him smiling down at me in the understated way he shares with his son. I let my hands drop.

“Sorry,” I mutter.

There’s a snort to my right, and I glance over at a smirking Cole. “Did Summer save your delicate ears, Dad? Keep you from swooning?”

“I appreciate the effort,” is all the older man admits.

My mom waves a dismissive hand as if she didn’t go off on a rant rated R for graphic violence. “I’m going to go see about getting you both discharged. You’re all patched up. No reason for us to linger.”

Then she’s gone, her clacking heels demanding attention as she marches down the hallway.

“Yeah, so. That’s my mom,” I say by way of explanation.

“She’s…” Mr. Allemand starts.

“Intense? Scary? Overprotective?” So many words to fill in the blank.

“Strong,” he finishes himself. That’s when I realize the man is still staring after my mother, even though she’s disappeared from view.

Cole and I meet eyes, both of ours having gone wide.

Weird, he mouths.

Cute, I push back.

But he just rolls his eyes and guides me into a gentle hug.

“How are you feeling?” His question ruffles my hair.

“Exhausted.” I sigh the word out with my entire body. “What time is it even?”

“Midnight,” Mr. Allemand answers. “I’ll start back to the parking garage. You text me when I should pull around front.” Then the man shocks me by planting a chaste kiss on my forehead. “I’m glad you’re okay.” He cups his son’s cheek with a hand but doesn’t say anything more. Just offers a short, firm nod. Then he walks away.

“Yeah, so, that’s my dad,” Cole mutters into my hair. There’s a thickness to his voice, but I decide not to push.

“I like your dad.”

“I like your mom.”

“That’s good. That we all like each other.”

Cole’s deliciously comforting warmth disappears as he steps back. I’m about to protest when I spot the heat in his eyes.

“I don’t just like you, Summer.”

“Oh, yeah, duh.” I rise up on my toes and plant a sloppily loud kiss on his lips before stepping back. “You love me.”

“That’s fucking right,” he growls, wrapping me in another comforting hug.

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