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My knees grow wobbly. “Whatever you prefer,” I tell him after I clear my throat.

“Uh huh.” He crooks his finger and makes the universal “come here” signal. “Get your pretty ass over here, Lady Susanna.”

I do as he says, practically sprinting so I can reach him in as few steps as possible. He hooks his arm around my waist and hauls me in, his mouth landing on mine in a searing kiss. All I can think is yes, yes, YES as his tongue tangles with mine, as his big hand grips my hip and his other hand grips my right breast. He is all brute strength and unrefined kissing and groping, and it is absolutely marvelous.

He breaks the kiss first, breathing hard, his eyes blazing with passion as he studies me. Again, I sound like a historical romance from my teenaged past, but I don’t really care. In fact, I loved those romance novels and believe I should go in search of them at my parents’ house the next time I visit.

“You taste good,” he says just before he kisses me again. “I can’t get enough,” he murmurs against my parted lips.

My entire body goes weak at his words. Colin was all action but very little talk. We were young and I didn’t expect it. Would’ve probably burst out laughing if he’d tried, uncomfortable and embarrassed.

Cannon is all talk and action. A double whammy of the good stuff. He not only makes delicious sexual promises, he keeps them. He’s kissing me again, and his hands are everywhere at once, fingers seeking and sliding beneath the waistband of my leggings. His fingers slide in

between my legs, discovering the lacy pair of panties I’m wearing, and he pulls away a little so our gazes can meet.

“I like your underwear.”

“You haven’t even seen them.” My breath hitches when his exploring fingers dive beneath the thin fabric of my panties.

“I don’t need to see them to know I like ’em. I definitely like the way they feel.” His mouth is on mine once more, and I’m drowning. In his taste, in his panting breaths and growling sounds and assured touch. In his hands and his body and his words and those low, rumbling groans he makes in the back of his throat.

He somehow walks me backward and the next thing I know, I’m falling. Falling onto the bed, Cannon following me, his body pinning me into the mattress. He’s removing my clothing, dropping a kiss wherever his hands touch me and I almost want to cry, it feels so good.

Yet I don’t cry. I keep it together, reminding myself now is not the time for tears. My eyes pop open and I watch as he removes my jumper, then my leggings, until I’m lying there in a pair of pink lacy panties and a matching bra that does little to contain the spillage of my overabundant breasts.

“Damn, woman,” he says, whistling low as his appreciative gaze rakes over me. “I could stare at you like this all night.”

That is the very last thing I want him to do. I might combust with wanting him.

“Please don’t do that,” I say, whimpering when he draws the back of his hand across my quivering stomach.

“Don’t do what?” he asks with a frown, his gaze zeroed in on my chest.

“Stare at me all night,” I explain, my voice shaky.

He reaches for the spot between my breasts, fingers drifting across the satiny band of my bra before they slide up into my cleavage. “You’d rather I touch you all night?”

His fingers dive beneath the lacy bra cup, tweaking my already hard nipple and making me gasp. “Please,” I choke out.

“I’m a multitasker. I can stare and touch at the same time,” he says with a grin just before he dips his hand and ravages my exposed breasts with his mouth. He kisses and licks the sensitive skin, making me yelp and jump in surprise, just before I moan and dissolve into the mattress.

He reaches behind me and unsnaps my bra, tugging it off with impatience. I just lie there on the bed, letting him have his way with me, moaning when he pulls my nipple into his mouth and sucks until I feel borderline delirious. My hands land in the softness that is his hair and I tunnel my fingers through the thick strands, tugging and pulling and moaning and basically acting the fool.

I don’t think Cannon minds, though. Actually, I’m fairly certain he’s into it. Into me.

How did I get so lucky?

I creep around the hotel room quietly, trying to pack my stuff without disturbing the sleeping princess in my bed. She’s naked save for the sheet twisted around her lower half, hair strewn across the pillow and her arms thrown above her head, the glorious perfection that are her tits on blatant display.

Distraction is not the name of the game this morning. Actually, it’s almost the afternoon, and I need to head to the airport in less than an hour.

But I don’t want to.

I already cleaned out the bathroom, shoving my toiletry bag in my suitcase. A soft little moan comes from the bed and I perk up, on high alert for another one of those sounds.

I’m gonna miss those sounds. Her. I’m gonna miss her real bad.

Giving up all pretense of packing, I climb into bed and snuggle up behind her, my cock making a tent of the towel that’s still somehow wrapped around my waist. I push it away and toss it on the floor, positioning Susanna so I can nestle my erection in the crack of her plump ass.

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