Page 53 of F*cker Next Door

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“I wish I hadn’t shown you those stupid letters,” he said, whispering the words against her ear.

“I’m glad that you did.”

“It made you sad,” Slade said. “I don’t like to see you sad.”

She smiled up at him. “I got closure, Slade. There was no way I could have gotten anything else. I was never close to her when she was in my life. At least I got something, and that’s all I can ask for.”

“You’ll always have me, babe. Always.”

She closed her eyes, and knew she would never throw him away. She’d cherish him always.


Six months later

“Are you going to pass out?” Daniel asked.

“No. I’m good.” Slade glanced down at his watch, and then looked back up, waiting. He was nervous. Cassie was five minutes late, and so far there was no sign of Jessica or his mother either.

He was standing near the priest. His parents sat with the guests, and he even saw the Andersons had decided to join the celebration. He’d sent then an invitation but hadn’t expected them to actually come. Of course, he’d made sure Andrew Anderson had gotten one.

Slade smirked, thinking about the other asshole. He’d been out taking a walk with Cassie when they had bumped into Andrew.

Cassie had smiled at Andrew, and introduced him. At the same time, Jessica had called her into a shop, leaving him alone with Andrew, where he had made sure that the guy knew Cassie belonged to him, and if he ever heard or saw Andrew saying shit about his woman, he’d personally make his life a living hell.

Andrew had gotten cocky, and said he couldn’t be touched. Slade had told Andrew to ask his parents just how difficult he could be.

That had been the end of that, and of course, Slade had won. He had Cassie’s heart, her body, and their future would be together if only she turned up.

He was starting to get nervous. What if she had cold feet? He checked to make sure he had the ring she’d been looking at in the jewelers that time. The ring that would bind her to him was nestled in the fabric. Looking up, he saw the clerk was watching. When he went back to get the ring, he’d invited the clerk to his wedding.

Slade felt people looking at him, and when he was about to grab his cell and call her, Jessica came rushing forward, and the music started up.

Only when he saw Cassie did he take a breath. She looked stunning in the white dress that was cut off her shoulders, and enhanced her curves. He was going to have a lot of fun getting her out of that tonight.

Finally, when she was in his arms, he felt like the world was right again.

“What took you so long?” he asked.

“Car trouble. I’m sorry. I didn’t know it would take that long.” She gave his arm a squeeze, and then they stood facing the priest.

Binding himself to Cassie made Slade feel whole again. She was his, and he was hers, and together they could handle anything.

By the time it came for him to kiss the bride, in front of the whole town, he claimed Cassie as his forever.

Maybe the curse on the house was right. Although, he didn’t see it as a curse. No, he saw it as a blessing.

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