Page 23 of F*cker Next Door

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“Do you have any ideas for your parents?” she asked, closing the door, and placing her bag over her shoulder.

“A divorce lawyer.”

“What about a picture frame, or some kind of trinket to mark the occasion?”

“I usually send them a figurine of couples dancing.” He rubbed the back of his head as they entered the busy shopping mall. “Actually, there’s something else I want to ask you.”

“Go ahead. You have my complete attention.”

“My parents are having a meal, and they’ve invited me along. I don’t want to go alone, and seeing as we’re friends and all, would you come to my parents’ anniversary dinner?” he asked.

“Are you sure? Isn’t an anniversary dinner a more personal affair?”

“If you don’t come there is a chance it will just blow with how prim and proper they are. It’s like they want some big applause for their achievement.”

“And you don’t think they deserve it?”

“I don’t. They got married, and it has been up to them to stick it out. I don’t like it.”

She sighed. “You’re really pushing this new friendship to the limit, but I’m not the kind to see a friend suffer, so you’ve got it. I will be there.”

“Great. I’ll let them know there will be a plus one.”

Cassie chuckled. “Well, if we’re going to be there together, we’re going to get them something decent. What about a waffle maker?” she asked.

“I think that’s what you give to newly married couples, isn’t it?”

“I don’t know. I’ve never been married, and I don’t intend to.” She grabbed his hand, and before he knew where they were, they were in a cooking shop.

“My mom has all the stuff she needs for her kitchen.”

“I don’t, and I happen to have broken my spatula so I need a replacement.”

“You’re hijacking my mall trip?” he asked, watching as she grabbed a basket.

“Do you have anything more important to do for the rest of the day?”

“Nope. I can’t say that I do.”

She handed him the basket. “Then be a good man, and hold this.” He watched as she put a pie plate, three spatulas, two lots of baking tins, and finally some kind of parchment paper inside.

He had never seen so much excitement on a woman’s face before just because she was shopping for her kitchen.

“Right, now that I’ve done that, any ideas?”

They stopped at a jewelry store, and Slade forced her inside. He couldn’t believe how she turned her nose up at the beautiful pieces.

“Every woman loves diamonds,” he said.

“I’m not most people.” She moved to a box of engagement rings, and she looked across them. There were several beautiful diamonds.

“Are you looking for something particular?” the lady behind the counter asked. Her name tag said Jules.

“No. We’re just looking,” Cassie said.

“This is not our only selection of engagement rings. If your fiancée would like, I could show her more pieces.” Jules looked at him as she spoke.

“We’re not—”

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