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A thick sensation crowds my chest. My belly hurts. My fingertips tingle to reach out and touch her, to make sure she’s real.

She frowns as I walk over to her. "You look perfect," I murmur.

The air thickens. Her chest rises and falls. She tips up her chin to meet my gaze and those green eyes of hers are so clear, I can see myself reflected in them. She licks her lips, and the blood drains to my groin. I widen my stance to accommodate the growing thickness in my crotch.

She draws in a breath, and color stains her cheeks. Her eyelids flutter and she lowers her chin so her hair falls over her face. "Uh… I’ll… I’ll just tell Karma I’m good with this."

She turns to leave, and goddamn it, I am not letting her go. Not again. I grab her wrist and pull her so she falls against my chest.

"Massimo." She plants her palm against me. "What are you doing?"

"Are you going to pretend we’ve never met before?"

"We didn’t meet before. Don’t you remember, we said what we had was for one night only? When I left that room, I forgot all about it."

"Did you?" I twist her arm behind her so her shoulders arch back. I glare at her and she pales.

"Let me go," she whispers.

"No." I rake my gaze over her face, then back to her eyes. "Tell me you didn’t feel something in that room. Tell me you didn’t walk out of there and leave a part of you with me."

"I…" She opens her mouth and shuts it. "I—" She glances away.

"That’s what I thought." I walk her backward until her back is to the wall. Then I release her arm, only to cup her cheek. "I can’t get you out of my mind,bellezza. I can’t stop thinking of your lips, your beautiful tits, your gorgeous ass, how you moan when you’re close, and your back arches when you’re about to come, how your cunt flutters around my dick as you orgasm, how you cry out when you climax, how you—" I lower my face until our eyelashes kiss. "How, when I look into your eyes, I can see the light that shines through you. Your radiance stands out like a beacon on a misty night. There’s something about you that is so attractive, it renders me speechless every time I see you. I don’t want to want you, but I do."

Her pupils dilate. Her breath comes in little gasps. The pulse at the base of her neck flutters like a hummingbird trying to escape the confines of a cage. I stare at her mouth, and a moan bleeds from her lips. I brush my lips over hers, and her entire body shudders. I lick into her mouth, and she sighs. I nip on her lower lip, and she leans into me. I deepen the kiss, thrust my tongue inside her mouth and suck on her upper lip. She plants her palms on my chest as if to push me away, then rises on her tiptoes and kisses me back. She licks the seam of my lips, and a groan rumbles up my chest. I push my hips into hers, holding her immobile against the wall, and she gasps. She must feel the length of my arousal. I hadn’t meant for this to go so far, but seeing her pretend she didn’t know me made me mad. How dare she act like we never met? Like she didn’t come apart under my fingers, my lips, my cock. I tear my mouth from hers and stare into her desire-filled eyes. "Never avoid me again. I won’t tolerate it, you feel me?"

She swallows, then tips up her chin. "Never try to kiss me again. I don’t want it, you get me?"

"Not what your body says." I lean more of my weight into her so the tent in my crotch stabs into her core. Color flushes her cheeks.

"I am not my body." She firms her lips. Then she slaps me.

The sound echoes around the space. My cheek throbs, and I can feel every pulse, all the way to the crown of my cock. My shaft elongates. Her pupils dilate. The air thickens with unsaid emotions pressing down on us. Then we move at the same time.

Our mouths collide, our teeth clash, and our tongues tangle as we kiss and kiss. The blood roars in my ears, and my heart hammers against my rib cage. I slap my palm to the wall next to her face and kiss her so hard, my teeth ache. My chest hurts, and my stomach ties itself in knots.Oh, fuck, this is going to complicate my life immensely.I tear my mouth from hers, and we stare at each other without saying a word, even as our eyes seem to communicate on a different level. I step back and she slides out from between me and the wall, then turns to leave.


She pauses.

"This isn’t over yet."



This isn’t over?It never started. Whatever it is he thinks happened in that room… Oh, shit, I know he’s right. It did. There was a connection. The kind of sex we had... It was beyond intense. It was potent, powerful, profound, the kind that imprints in your mind and your heart—fuck, fuck, fuck. I am not going to fall for him.He gives good dick. Doesn’t mean I’m going to develop feelings for him. I cannot develop feelings for him. He’s the Mafia, for heaven’s sake. He’s everything I’ve spent my life avoiding. I swore I’d never fall for a Mafia guy, and here I am, perilously close to being obsessed about him. I must stop thinking of him. Easier said than done, when he’s sitting in a seat up the corridor from me and hasn’t taken his gaze off of me since we took off.

After that searing kiss in Karma’s boutique, Penny and I chose our bridesmaids outfits in matching shades of blue and Massimo drove us to the private jet where he boarded the plane with us. And okay, I hadn’t thought he was coming with us. Somehow, I’d been sure he was going to drop us at the airport and return, but apparently, I was mistaken. Like a coward, I slipped into the seat next to Penny on the plane, hoping being next to her meant I could avoid having to look at him. But sadly, Penny fell asleep as soon as we were in the air.

I’d popped my earphones in and tried listening to some music. When that didn't work, I tried to read my latest smutty romance on my Kindle. Normally, that would have held my attention, but for the first time, my book boyfriends couldn’t compete with the allure of the man I’d had a one-night stand with. I finally ditched my Kindle and settled for looking out the window at the clouds, while trying my best not to shoot glances at Mr. Alphaholeness. The stewardess brought us glasses of prosecco, and antipasto to eat. Of course, she shot him a big smile and spent time talking with him. He was too far away so I couldn’t hear the conversation, but the bastard smiled and laughed at something she said. Then she leaned over and slid something into the pocket of his shirt.

That bitch! Bet he’s going to call her and meet her some time. I was so pissed off, I tossed back the prosecco on an empty stomach—being too on-edge to eat, and now, I’m feeling tipsy. Which always translates into feeling hornier. Maybe it’s because I’m more relaxed, and in this instance, very aware of the jerkwaffle sitting not far from me.

I close my eyes and try to sleep, but I can feel his gaze on me. I shift in my seat and cross one leg over the other. At least I’m dressed in comfortable yoga pants and a hoodie. I crack open my eyes and my gaze clashes with his.

Those gray eyes seem almost blue in the dimness of the cabin. He sits there, motionless, manspreading—legs spread, his big arms braced over those trunk-like thighs. He dwarfs the seat, which, unlike in commercial airlines, is a large, comfortable, reclining armchair inviting you to stretch out and sleep. Like Penny. She snores softly in slumber, and I finally give up trying to get comfortable.

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