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My already racing heart picked up speed. “What is it?”

“Your mom just thinks she programmed me, but she didn’t. You did.”

“I don’t understand.”

“After your mom informed me about her actions, I went to Hannah and Leo was there. He took me aside and told me that, all those years ago, he’d give Judith a version of the serum that had been watered down with saline solution to the point of being basically useless. She may have messed with me a little bit, but nothing major.”

“Holy shit…why didn’t he tell me?”

She gave me a half smile. “You know Leo; he’s loyal to a fault. He knew if you found out your mom had tried to program me without your permission, you would have flipped out. At the time, he was barely holding his shit together. He admitted he wasn’t doing it as much to protect me as to keep you from going crazy on Judith. Plus, he gave you the full-strength serum when you programmed me, so he figured there was no need to rock the boat. Only he hadn’t counted on Judith telling me the truth, so she forced his hand.”

“Jesus, I can’t believe he did that.”

“Well, I’m happy he did. And I’m glad you programmed me, Ramón. If you hadn’t, I’d be dead. During the tape, you kept telling me to protect myself, that I was strong and brave, that I was smart, that I had nothing to be afraid of because I was an amazing woman. You told me not to feel any guilt about defending myself or my loved ones, told me over and over again that I could protect myself, that I had no reason to be scared.” She closed her eyes and let out a long breath. “You gave me the tools I needed to fight off our enemies, Ramón. Not just Nova, but all the bastards since who’ve tried to hurt me and my family. You gave me the strength to protect everyone I love, and I’m endlessly grateful to you for that.”

Shaking my head, I took a deep breath as a weight I didn’t know I was carrying around lifted from my shoulders. “You’re amazing. I love you so much.”

“And I love you, even if your family is insane.”

“They’re your family now, too.”

She gave me that bright, dimpled smile that never failed to make my heart beat a little faster. “Yes, they are, and I couldn’t choose a better family. Crazy and all.”

My phone beeped, letting me know it was time to leave for the church. “Shit, we’re going to be late if we don’t get moving. Ready to go?”

“Will you be nice to your mom? Please, for me?”

I sighed then stood, shifting Alexa onto my shoulder as I grabbed the diaper bag. “Yes.”

Leaning up on her tiptoes, Joy kissed me then Alexa. “Thank you.”

“Anything for you, my love. I mean it.”

“I know.” She winked. “Now let’s go baptize this baby and hope you don’t burst into flames as you walk through the church doors.”

“Ha, ha.” I smacked her round ass lightly. “Funny girl.”

“You love me.”

“More than anything.”
