Page 68 of My Wicked Virgin

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Returning his brilliant smile with one of her own, she held his gaze, telling him without words how much she adored him.

The ceremony itself was a blur. She said her lines when she was supposed to, and even managed to mumble out some vows, but none of it really registered. By the time they reached their first kiss, she was so eager to get her hands on Hawk, they might have mauled each other a little bit in front of the small, enthusiastic crowd of their friends and family. Her mother hadn’t been invited, obviously, but a few of her cousins were here, and she was glad to see them. Hawk’s sister was also missing, and his mother had been very careful not to mention Liberty after Hawk blew up at Mrs. DelRay the first time she brought up his sister.

Sad to say, she was glad they weren’t here. Instead, she was surrounded by people who really mattered to her. The ones who hadn’t let her down. Her real family.

“My husband,” she whispered against Hawk’s lips, her body pressed close to his while the crowd continued to whistle and cheer.

Turning to face the audience, Hawk lifted her hand, holding it up in a victory salute as they walked down the flower bedecked aisle. She smiled and waved to people she saw along the way, and by the time they made it out the doors her ears were ringing. After a few pictures, they moved off to the side of the large foyer. They stood beneath a grand and winding carved staircase that led to the massive pipe organ on the second floor, then eventually up to the church bell.

A wedding coordinator handed them both glasses of champagne, while another arranged Sunny’s dress behind her and the photographer snapped away.

Hawk leaned down and kissed her again, ignoring the coordinator trying to arrange Sunny’s veil.

“Hello, Mrs. DelRay.”

“Hello, Mr. DelRay,” she responded as her heart raced with happiness.

He pulled back a little and studied her. “How are you feeling?”

“Fine?” she lied. “I’ll be better once we get to the reception and I get something to eat.”

“You’re looking a little pale.”

“Honestly,” she cupped his smooth shaved face and ran her thumb over his lips. “I’m okay.”

He probably would have nagged her more, but people began to approach them in the receiving line, and she genuinely enjoyed thanking everyone for coming despite her headache. Their wedding had only fifty guests, but it felt like a hundred and fifty by the time they were done. Thankfully, the church was smack dab in the middle of downtown D.C. and the reception was being held at a posh hotel right across the street.

As they made their way out of the church and over to the hotel, they literally stopped traffic. People honked their horns, cheered, and waved-then redoubled their efforts when they realized who was getting married. Cell phones came up and she tried to keep from grimacing as they navigated their way through the crowd of onlookers. Lucia and her crew had done a great job of keeping secret that her company would be handling a celebrity wedding, but Sunny had a feeling the paparazzi would soon be out in full force. The hotel was used to dealing with famous clients who wanted privacy, and had a hidden garage that they’d be using to leave tomorrow morning.

Because going on a honeymoon right away wasn’t possible, they were going back home to spend the last few days before the surgery there. After all the excitement and stress of this past week, she was looking forward to their downtime. The idea of just lying in bed with Hawk, with nowhere to be, was bliss.

She almost stumbled on the curb because she’d been so caught up in daydreaming about Hawk, but he was there to catch her before she took a header into the street.

Smiling up at him, she held his hand tight as they ran through the traffic, ignoring the people with cell phones pointed in their direction.

The glitzy gold and white marble hotel gleamed in the growing darkness like a castle, and she sighed as the cool air washed over them once they were inside.

People milled about the hotel foyer, but the guards kept the room secure while they made their way to one of the ballrooms.

The photographer had them do a couple poses before an interesting water sculpture, giving the guests time to get seated.

When the awesome dance song they’d chosen for the entrance music played, she boogied her way into the room with a laughing Hawk at her side.

She couldn’t help it; she was so happy she had to dance.

Once again, Lucia had outdone herself and the reception was a romantic, cherry blossom themed wonderland. The tables looked like something from a high end wedding magazine, and a quick glance to her right showed her a fabulous four-tier wedding cake that was a piece of art. Never in her wildest dreams had she ever imagined that anyone would love her enough to give her a wedding like this.

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