Page 73 of Blood Reign

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Mina groaned. “She’s lucky she is my cousin.”

Erik laughed and kissed her on the corner of the mouth. “Go. Dress, and I will see you tonight at the ball. Save a dance for me.”

Laughing she got to her feet. “I assure you, if I dance with anyone, it will only be you.”

“You are truly incorrigible.” Lucy shook her head and grabbed Mina by the wrist towing her from the room without another word.

Erik watched them go, his chest aching with her absence, but no sooner did the door close behind them it opened again, and Harker stepped through followed by his sour-faced brother.

An uncomfortable weight sank into the pit of his stomach. “What is it?”

“There’s been another horde sighting near by. The village just south of us was overrun.” Harker said, matching his brother’s grim expression.

Erik winced and closed his eyes. “Send a squadron of men and fire mages. Tell them to keep their distance and burn anyone that might try and attack them. They’re to search for survivors but keep out of harm's way. I won’t have them putting their own health at risk.”

Alaric bowed his head, and backed towards the door again, ready to leave and do as he was told. “Yes, Sire.”

“Your Majesty.” Harker cleared his throat. “Is there really nothing more we can do for the afflicted? Burning them outright seems…cruel.”

“Until Andrea or Lucy come up with some sort of cure, I’m afraid, burning them is our only option.”

Harker nodded, and his brother stepped out of the room. He looked pale, like he might be sick at the thought of what Erik had asked them to do.

“Is there something else?” the king prodded gently.

“It’s just that I’ve noticed the attacks have been getting worse since the choosing ceremony. Could it have something to do with…Mina? You said it yourself it looked as if the person who shot you might have been aiming for her. What if that same person is causing the plague to spread?”

Thought had crossed Erik’s mind more than once while Mina was unconscious. What if all of this was a pointed attack. The horde hadn’t been much of a horde until the towns began preparing for the solstice. Then there was the attack that sent Mina diving into a burning building after a child…it all revolved around bringing her across the Veil.

“Send for Andrea,” Erik said, running a hand through his hair.

“She’s not in the palace.” Harker frowned. “She left late last night and said she wouldn’t be back until late tonight.”

Erik’s brows drew together. He didn’t like that. Between Mina’s feelings about her, his own, and now this…something seemed wrong, but he couldn’t put his finger on what.

“Fine,” he said, getting to his feet. “Then I’ll see what I can find out on my own.”

“What are you going to do?” Harker asked. “How can I help?”

“How far is the town that was attacked?” He asked, stepping into the hall.

“A few hours,” he said, falling into step at his shoulder. “Less if you take Stormwind, but I don’t suggest going without a few wolves, or some soldiers.”

“I’ve got you, and the soldiers will follow with your brother. Unless you’d rather stay here?”

“I’m not letting you go alone,” he said, and the two of them marched down to the stables. There were faster ways for Erik to travel, but to keep the wolf at his side, his horse would have to do.

Together they raced across the countryside, cutting to the west across farms, following the main road that led to the western cities. The midnight-blue sky glittered with stars above them, but by the time he drew Stormwind up the final hill, the sky turned a dark shade of orange. The village sat before them burning. Every house, every stall, all of it burning. He could hear screams of pain, moans of hunger.

The only sign of life were three figures just ahead of them at the bottom of the hill. Two mounted Raven-kin soldiers, and Andrea, draped in a shining silver cloak and white dress that hung like a blanket over her mare.

Erik’s anger flared. Urging Stormwind down the hill, whistled loudly to get their attention. The soldiers turned and bowed, backing away from the witch as he approached, but Andrea made no move to acknowledge his presence until he pulled his horse up beside her.

“Your Majesty.” She bowed her head, eyes never leaving the blaze.

“Did you even bother to search for survivors?” He asked, through his teeth. “Did you even try to help them?”

Her lips twitched. “The village was overrun, Sire. I had no choice but to cleanse the earth.”

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