Page 15 of Blood Reign

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In all his years serving as the vampire king, Erik Vladislav Dracul had never seen someone burn so bright. Sweeping away from his tent, he barked at the nearest guards motioning for them to take watch outside the door, and then slipped between the trees. He needed to feed. It’d been too long and standing so near her, feeling her warm breath on his skin, he was ravenous, and as hard as a rock.

After hours with her wrapped in his cloak, talking about taking her blood had only made it worse. Her scent clung to him, and if he didn’t feed soon, he’d turn right back around and fuck her senseless. That was the animal in him. Hungry for blood and pleasure. The exact kind of pleasure he knew he’d find in her…

Shaking his head, he walked faster, pushing through the doors of the tent farthest from the camp, and smacked his hands down on the table. “Lucy!”

He heard the clang of metal behind the dark veil that shielded the witch’s bed from the door, and half a second later the curtain parted, revealing a stunning blonde with the brightest blue eyes he’d ever seen. “My King, you startled me.”

“Tell me it’s her,” he growled. “Tell me she’s finally returned.”

The witch frowned. “I told you, sire, the vision I had was unclear. I do not know if your Evangeline has returned.”

“Andrea said it would be her this time, are you saying she lied to me?” He said, digging his fingers into the wood of the table.

Lucy narrowed her eyes. “Is that why you brought me with you instead of the crone? You wanted a second opinion?”

His lip curled. “Why else would I keep two witches under my employ?”

Lucy shook her head. “Erik, is the girl beautiful?”

“Yes,” he said, standing upright again.

The witch’s eyes flicked downward for half a second and she smiled. “Then why are you here with me, when you could be tending to your needs with her? I can see you desire her.”

“I…” he trailed off, and let his gaze slide away from her, across the table in front of him. “There’s something about her, Lucy. She looks like Evangeline, but when she speaks to me…there’s no recognition at all. As if she’s a new person, and yet I’m still…”

“Perhaps it’s time to embrace the future, and move on?” Lucy suggested softly. “See if you can love this one, and maybe actually make her your new queen.”

Erik laughed and raked a hand through his hair. “I don’t know about love, but the next few months will certainly prove interesting.”

The witch rolled her eyes. “Go feed, even I can smell your arousal.”

He laughed and turned back to the door. “Let me know when you have an answer to my question.”

“Don’t I always,” she said, as he stepped outside.

Erik chuckled and rolled his shoulders back. He did need to feed, but he had the sneaking suspicion that the other half of his desire would go unsated for the night. After listening to his court witch’s promises for the last twenty years, he didn’t want to risk anything that might send Mina running from him. He had to be careful.

Sauntering over to the tents where their humans rested, he heard the familiar moans, and cries of ecstasy. His thirst burned his throat, and the moment he pushed through the door of his destination, he could smell the heavy tang of the bloodletting permeating the air.

Around him, the men and women of his army were spread out in small groups, some paired off with a human between them, others rutting before an audience. It all made his skin tingle.

Then as if he’d called her name a voluptuous blonde came sauntering naked through the center of the tent. Her plump breasts were swollen, and her nipples peaked.

She smiled at him and gave him a low bow, letting her breasts fall forward as she stared up at him through her eyelashes. “Your Majesty, may I serve you this night?”

His eyes narrowed and he beckoned her to him with a simple curl of his fingers. The girl swayed as she walked, and then brazenly slid her arms around him, pressing her naked flesh into his chest as she stretched to whisper in his ear. “I’m yours to do with as you wish, Your Majesty.”

Erik shivered, and his cock strained against the seam of his pants. He slid a hand into the girl’s hair angling her head to the side.

“Your blood is all I want tonight,” he lied, letting his fangs extend.

The girl bit her lip and he struck, sinking his teeth into her throat. The warm liquid pulsed over his tongue, and he groaned, drinking deep. Flashes of her memories began inching their way into his mind, but he shoved them away, and focused on her pleasure, and what that reminded him of in his own life.

Clutching the girl tight, he lowered her down onto the nearest empty bier. It’d been so long since he’d let himself dream during a feed. Dreaming was dangerous when you weren’t with someone you trusted, but this time he just couldn’t resist.

The moment his eyes closed he saw Evangeline, walking along the lake behind the palace, her long black hair flowing freely down her back. He thought of calling her name and she turned to him smiling. He reached—

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